Oleskool's 4 strain fandango!

Cheers bro, no prob.
A few kind words from a friend can make a lot of difference sometimes :thumbsup:

sorry about your wife man, how is she doing now? Hope she’s recovering well.

I am the same way about experimenting, I never get more than 1 or 2 perfect crops in a row before I get a foolish urge to change something, I just culled 5 big plants early after screwing up the soil mix.

seems like there’s a million ways to do it wrong and only one correct way. If I want to experiment again I’ll have to do a side-by-side with 1-2 test plants instead of the whole crop. you always think it’s going to work…


Cheers bro she is getting on with it best she can. Still has a partially blocked artery in her thigh that’s to get attention so another round of hospital trips coming up.

I was always told only change one thing at a time, then if it goes wrong you can easily take a step back. I’ve been pushing my luck lately on that score. New led lights and trying coir for the first time all in the same grow. I feel like a newbie :laughing: even got beasties trying to eat the roots. I’ll let it dry out a bit more in future lol

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beasties - you mean fungus gnats?

blocked artery in the leg, that seems odd, hopefully they can fix that right up, they have some amazing tech these days.


I originally thought fungus gnats but i’m not so certain now. I have several sticky traps, i even placed large ones across the pots and nothing has stuck to them. The flies are tiny and look a lot like our midges, those things are attracted to the co2 in their victims breath so maybe the sticky traps wont work anyway. I watched one land on the resin of a bud and it flew off again so they seem to be too small and lightweight to stick to things.

My mrs had an overactive thyroid for so many years she developed a thing called graves disease which causes plaque to build up in the arteries and narrow them. A piece of plaque broke off early this year and lodged in one of her heart valves which caused a heat attack.They fitted 2 stents in the restricted valve but she still has a partially blocked leg artery. She cant walk far before loosing power in that leg.

looks like they’re cousins to our Black Flies, the bane of the New England mountains