OverGrow 420 POTM Vote 39-76 OG photo’s

here’s the thing about any contest with pictures, those who participate are almost always the only one’s who will vote. Anyone not it the contest loses interest. I had thought it would be easier to select the winners myself like i have before, but those who didn’t win are left with a thought that it wasn’t fare.

Every one of these contests was a learning experience.


And you still continue to amaze us @Heliosphear !!!

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Thank you @PioneerValleyOG

bong rips


I know you probably get a lot of praise for your giveaways and simply beyond incredible graphic artwork but I’ll heap some more praise on you regardless. You are such an asset to the OG community , keeping things fun and so many of us engaged. It’s a pleasure to be here taking part in the fun and thankyou for providing it in spades :wink:

Looking through the results on two polls… I just realized where my pic is in the standings and want to thank all the people voting for my pic… it is down right killer smoke and smokes as good as it looks :smiley: I’ve had a very heavy heart the past couple weeks with a friend of over 30 years suddenly passing … then the community’s loss of DJSF and Useful of Useful Seeds… these contests and giveaways and being on OG in general has been keeping me sane. I’m grateful for all of you :wink:


Thank you @SHSC-1 everyday I get to make a difference, is a good day. Like yourself, we all do our best to be positive and keep moving forward. The list of people who do incredible things with and for others here on OverGrow is infinite, to see people unified in the drive to “OverGrow the World” is beyond compare.