PAC x RMH grow

The seedlings got a nice color, I’d try turning the light up just a little bit every day so the plants can adjust :slight_smile:

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I was thinking the same. The lights are kinda shitty, so I’ll be replacing them asap. If I keep them it’ll be for supplemental lighting around the sides.

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The seedling died unfortunately. It just wasn’t growing and fell over a few days ago. I tried to prop it up, but it shriveled. New seed is in the soil. Same strain

Once the seed pops I’ll be getting a new light for the other stages of growth. 1000 umol/s minimum at 2-4 feet is fine for my grow closet lol

The little one has sprouted as of this morning and I’ll increase the light levels by 1 notch every day.

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7 hours later and it’s popped through the surface.

I have a setup in the closet to have airflow, heat, airflow, and gnat control.

It’s a cozy 72f consistently all day. With a range of 70-77f on average. Humidity fluctuates around the 34-43% range.

After an hour the seedling changed a tiny bit. Neat. It should be happy and growing by tomorrow.

I’ll have to work my sleep schedule around the lights though :sleeping: it only has 3 hours on, 9 hours on, and 12 hours on out of 24 hour schedules for automatic lighting.

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Looks like it might need something :thinking: any ideas?

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It’s still bent like that. I cranked the lights up to max as the seedling kept reaching for light elsewhere. New light has been ordered and it’ll arrive soon.

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Just my take but if the seedling stretches that much, it is usually because they are not getting enough light. It’s literally trying to reach for the light.

Happy Growing!

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Yeah the lights have been turned all the way up. I have a light coming on Tuesday that should help. 1001W light.

It appears to have stopped stretching and now is rotating the head 45° a day. Odd behavior from this little one.

I’m calling it Ducky. As it looks like a duck bill with wings.

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Correction: it has started stretching again. All I can do is raise it up higher to bring it closer. So strange how the top rotates daily. I did finally acquire a screwdriver to heat up and poke out the drain holes. Now I can water properly. In case anyone is wondering why I have strict limitations this grow. I’m no longer living where i was with the porch. I won’t go into details, but I survived 2 murder attempts in a row and the legal battles have drained my account.

The chocolate mint should perk up soon now that it has drainage in the pot.

The lemon balm has also been removed from that ceramic drain free pot. Idk why that rubber tree came in a horrific planting situation, but when I get that back I’ll be happy :blush:
Uploading: 20240128_184755.jpg…

Sorry about the blurry pics. They were clear to me, but I have brain damage now, so…

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Yeah it’s rotating 45° every 6 hours. Very odd. Does anyone have any info on what would cause this behavior? :thinking: I’ll have the new light on Tuesday if it’s something from low light conditions.

Supposedly it has 1000 par at the center at 2 feet. Tbh good enough for my 2x4x4 closet.

LUYIMIN LED Grow Light 1000W with Grow Room Glasses, Grow Lights for Indoor Plants Full Spectrum, Seed Starting Seedlings Vegetable Pepper Hanging Growing Lamps

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It seems to have a deficiency now or light burn. How TF!? This is fresh soil it’s in.

I gently moved the leaf out of the way.

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New light came in. Looks like it’s only a 65w light.

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Well…growth has picked up and I think the seedling has nitrogen burn

The environment seems to be good imo

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So far so good :+1: everything is taking to the new light nicely. The chocolate mint is finally going purple.

The seedling may have had overwater symptoms as the pot had standing water for too long. The pots I buy from my local hardware store have no drain holes for whatever awful reason.

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Whoops :face_with_hand_over_mouth: maybe lowered the light too close. I assumed 24 inches was fine, but it made the plant lower itself to compensate. These are yesterday’s pics.

These are after work. I raised the light a bit and I’d say it looks better than this morning.

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They will stand back up soon, sometimes I make them a little ‘crutch’ from a popsicle stick…


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Growth has picked up and the plant has stabilized its height. The side of the pot is keeping it up now.

I made the beginnings of a calmag solution with weed ashes added also. I dissolved eggshells in 5% white vinegar and a tablespoon of pure citric acid crystals. Once everything finished reacting I watered the solution down with a 2:1 ratio of water:vinegar solution. On Friday I’ll be grabbing Epsom salts to add to the solution for the final reaction before I dry things out in a slow cooker leaving a dry mix I can add to water as needed.

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