Ph is not staying

So I agree with your point on nutrient solution and it being easier to maintain in general but in RDWC when there are issues I’ve found it’s much harder to correct. In separate buckets you have an issue it’s one plant, in RDWC if something affecting one plant probably affecting all of them. At the end of the day give and take with both options, just my 2 cents but I’ll also be honest that in general I don’t like any kind of recirculating system

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Water volume makes rdwc a lot more stable.

Ph spiking down is bacteria
Ph spiking up, id check my nutrient ratios.

.1 to .3 ph points per day is the aim, i counter balanced the slowly rising ph by having a 50gal phd at 5 on a float valve.


I hear ya @Naptown916 ; I often like learning on the unforgiving systems so that mistakes are made and then I get REALLY good at the thing.

Smooth seas do not make for good sailors so when I started learning the specifics of Cannabis growing I went with DWC cause a mistake is shown sometimes in hours. This then had me move to RDWC and now I’m mostly soilless with a mix of both organic and sterile salts for nutrients.

All the waterworks made the switch to soil and soiless piss easy by comparison!



i didn’t have that experience when i started out with dwc. i found it to be relatively simple to maintain, and the levels stayed pretty constant, to the point i was checking them every three days or so. i mean i can’'t recall specifics of things but in general i remember the every three days. now @greenmonster714 kept meticulous records and would be able to tell you for sure but he’s not around here often. anyway, that is absolutely no help to anyone. my bad.


I have another question I up ppm to 1400 my ph was 7 after that downed it to 5.5 12 hours late ph is 7 in test pot nothing in it. So my tap water is 843 ppm do I want to up to 1800 ppm so that would be 1000 ppm of muted

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Buddy if you want to make your life a lot easier just use a ph perfect nutrient. Personally I don’t like the thought of not having a slight swing BUT a few of our members swear by the stuff.

@George if you could please assist.

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I was going to assist with that solution when I saw this thread, but as there is a bunch of Advanced Nutrients pH Perfect haters in this forum I didn’t (thought you were one of them frech|nullxnull ). As long as your tap water pH is in a reasonable range (mine is 7.4) it chelates all the nutrients and makes them available for the plant, no need to correct it. I’ve been using it for years with decent results … beer3|nullxnull


I don’t hate the stuff bro. I just prefer pulling my hair out chasing ph issues :rofl:
I’ve moved back to my autopots so I may even give the ph perfect stuff a go myself soon.

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You may have swayed my way of thinking.


thats your problem!!! your about 4 times over the recommended starting tap ppm. who knows whats in your water. i wouldnt even drink that.

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Thanks for sharing, bookmarked that one, hope your plants will benefit from your change of mind … beer3|nullxnull

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Bro as you well know I’m lazy AF. Anything that reduces my workload I’m all for. I always thought that ph perfect just held the water and a set ph. I honesty didn’t realise that chelates makes everything available to the plant no matter what the pH is. Its sorcery and you need burned at the steak :rofl:

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I don’t I drink spring water which has 1343 ppm and 7.2 ph

So,your sayin I should not worry about ph so much just the ppm of nutrients

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Only if your using the pH perfect range of nutrients. :v:

I am using general hyponics

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Then I can’t help. Your staring water should be low ppm not high. You will always have problems.

Is it the pH perfect range though???
The way I understand it is there is chemicals within the nutrient that makes all the elements available no matter what the pH is.
For example. Calcium is only available at 6 2 BUT using the pH perfect range the chemical composition make it available at any pH level.

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The reason we get lockouts is because certain elements are not available to the plant. Ph perfect or chelate nutrients make ALL elements available so adjusting ph isn’t necessary.

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damn, you’re a genius. that is what i was using in my dwc grows 20 years ago. ph perfect grow and bloom. i had no idea. wow. time for meds.

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