Power Hitter Give Away

I haven’t been here long enough to consider my life changed by OG. What I can say is this; I’ve had a lot of different hobbies in my life and many of them, as a noob, come with a lot of being made to feel dumb by people with more experience. There’s so much gatekeeping in other hobbies that it can be a turn off for people who want to learn, then once they get through the gate they also turn into an ass towards noobs as they feel they earned the right to be just like the people who didn’t want to help them. It’s always been my opinion that if you love something, you should want it to grow and get the information into as many people’s brains as possible and it seems like I’ve found a lot of like-minded people here. In my first two posts here I got so many replies and PM’s offering advice and help, all in a supportive and teaching way. Having that in a community keeps people coming back and that makes it strong, so I’m happy to be here and look forward to many years of growing, and making, some good buds.


Btw I never heard of a power hitter before but absolutely love the idea since I’m a strictly J’s guy. I’m going to have to look into these more. So cool! And thanks for your awesome generosity ALWAYS you are a helluvan example of OG’s finest :raised_hands:t2: @HashstasH

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Great contest dude , I dream of these power hitters still , a friend had one in 77 and us kids thought it was the shit






All about comma use, can go as long as ya want and still be only 6 sentences.

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Which makes it even worse that they still exceeded it!

BTW @CanuckistanPete and @TopShelfTrees1 this was definitely about the humor and not a real call out :sunglasses:



Au contraire, count again. I may have used a heck of a lot of commas, but that is 6 sentences my friend.

Cool @HashstasH, I have a power hitter. My buds got an original one from the 70s. I bounced around when we got our first computer in 95, I found a couple sites and went back and forth. Finally landed here. Overgrow the world.

This is such an awesome place the people here are great, I never knew there was a place like this. I made tons of seeds and my Buddy said “what are you going go do with them, what a waste.” I said that at the price of beans, I am going to find somewhere to give them away free, so that everyone can enjoy this amazing plant, not just the wealthy. Maddawg put me here and it is so much more than I anticipated, love to all.
Back in the day I used to empty out the mustard containers and I made homemade power hitters, stay lifted.


Damn I read that twice and counted seven. I blame being stoned, tired, and more commas than I’ve ever seen used in one paragraph :laughing:

Like I said though it was more about the joke than actually trying to call it out. You can tell because I didn’t bring up the “short and simple sentences” part :stuck_out_tongue:


What an awesome giveaways
I have to admit I have been buying Paraphernalia since the mid 90’s and have never run across one of these one hitters :joy:

I was invited over here by a random stranger that popped up on another forum that I am have been a part of for over a year
He mentioned all the trades and giveaways and the camaraderie and great people involved.
I have met some great folks and very generous people like on no other site or forum.
I have concluded that I would like to get in to breeding sooner than later and help you great fine folks here at OG and Overgrow the freaking World :+1::muscle::v::love_you_gesture::love_you_gesture:


1 overgrow is awesome.
2 overgrow is a learning place
3 overgrow is a sharing place
4 overgrow gives me a place to pontificate
5 all social media is lame except for overgrow
6 overgrow is my digital notebook and without it the details of my grows would be lost to history.



This is what I love, I do the same!



Have to give a review and hype the contest.


Winning Phrase is @DrGonzo13 :boom: :dizzy: :dizzy: :boom: :crossed_fingers:


Wow sweet I’ve been looking at the power hitter and I hate YouTube videos and I am hands on so thanks again for your continued support and cool giveaways lot’s of fun and it’s getting foggy too!


I started my cannabis growing forum days at AFN, and while it was a good learning experience and a pleasant environment overall, it was lacking in some areas I was interested in. A seedbank giveaway led me here, and I simply felt at home and fell in love with the community and the generosity shown here almost instantly; it was inspiring. It’s changed my life as I’m now exploring a seedbank concept designed to give back to breeders and chip away at some of the greed and shadiness in the seed game. I am also now running f2’s on several of my projects with lots of F1’s rolling in, a big preservation run/giveaway coming soon as a way to say thanks to OG. Oh, then there’s that seed addiction thing that this place inflicted me with. I now want all the seeds, I want to grow them all: cheap, expensive, free, old, new, hype, forgotten… :crazy_face:


Okay I’ve been here long enough to not be embarrassed to ask what F1 or F2 means? :flushed:


I’m sorry I am not good with it yet and no need to feel embarrassed it’s the whole reason that you are here and I am curious about the same and I sorta understand but not enough to explain


It is the filial generations. First time breeding two separate lines is.an f1… If you grow those plants out and cross two seeds from them that would be f2