Prenylated Volatile Sulfur Compounds in Cannabis

Cool paper:

Cannabis sativa L. produces over 200 known secondary metabolites that contribute to its distinctive aroma. Studies on compounds traditionally associated with the scent of this plant have focused on those within the terpenoid class. These isoprene-derived compounds are ubiquitous in nature and are the major source of many plant odors.

Nonetheless, there is little evidence that they provide the characteristic “skunk-like” aroma of cannabis. To uncover the chemical origins of this scent, we measured the aromatic properties of cannabis flowers and concentrated extracts using comprehensive two-dimensional gas chromatography equipped with time-of-flight mass spectrometry, flame ionization detection, and sulfur chemiluminescence. We discovered a new family of volatile sulfur compounds (VSCs) containing the prenyl (3-methylbut-2-en-1-yl) functional group that is responsible for this scent. In particular, the compound 3-methyl-2-butene-1-thiol was identified as the primary odorant. We then conducted an indoor greenhouse experiment to monitor the evolution of these compounds during the plant’s lifecycle and throughout the curing process. We found that the concentrations of these compounds increase substantially during the last weeks of the flowering stage, reach a maximum during curing, and then drop after just one week of storage.

These results shed light on the chemical origins of the characteristic aroma of cannabis and how volatile sulfur compound production evolves during plant growth. Furthermore, the chemical similarity between this new family of VSCs and those found in garlic (allium sativum) suggests an opportunity to also investigate their potential health benefits.

acsomega.1c04196.pdf (3.6 MB)


Potentially the antibacterial and antibiotic abilities? Very interesting,


So… I’m mixing sulfur with worm castings & feeding a blend of corn meal & sulfur to the bin occasionally. They won’t tolerate much. :sweat_smile:

A side note from a Jodrey chat was about French lavender farms using sheep manure because the high sulfur content amplifies the aromatics. :thinking:

So anyone with a copy of ‘Teaming With Nutrients’ who wants to tell me about sulfur uptake…feel free to expound. I’m this close to emailing Jeff LowenFels (edited— maybe a lowenthal too :blush:) & demanding an explanation before I buy a book. :sweat_smile:

The micronized sulfur is super friable & seems to create a hydrophobic layer & I suspect isn’t readily available for root uptake. And it’s gnarly & shouldn’t be inhaled & blah blah blah :joy:

:evergreen_tree:edit: my apologies to lowenpeople


Check your local public library.
It’s not as dry a read as a lot of the reviews make it out to be. More in depth than teaming with microbes, but not college text book level.


Try a JLF or with garlic or like a diekon radish they are also high in sulfur you know? Bust em up put in bucket add water and a handful of leaf mold soil let sit 10-20 days and it’ll grow out the microbe you are looking for, should anyways he ard to tell without a scope but you should get a positive response that would mean you’re on the right track @cannabissequoia sounds like we both got similar projects going lol that’s cool I got me a skunk this morning:) make you eyes water and your nose burn lol

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I wish I had a side-by-side comparison but this last plant had been hammered with sulfur-- in the worm food & then again into the castings to 'funkify & wormolate :laughing: before being added to my salty water feeding/irrigation…& it came out LOUD lemons. Like bang-pow :boom: mono-terpenes out the ass, :man_shrugging: Definitely didn’t hurt! :joy:


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Lol that’s awesome, what kind of application rate was you using if you don’t mind?

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A whole bottle of bonide sulfur into about 1 cu ft of ewc, handful of the stank into 5 gal bucket of veg feed with a big piece of aloe crushed up, & rainwater. The same in bloom but half strength feed, I have been using plain water at week 5-8.



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It puts the skunk in the hole!
It puts the skunk in the hole! Lol

I put worm castings on top of skunk, well first I put skunk just into the clay layer then the worm castings then soil, then top soil, those that Know I double digged it then IMO3, then bout 2 in compost that’s still cooking I did that trying to increase biodiversity last but not least leaves as a mulch layer then I planted marigolds around edges and spring I’m planting right on top of it that’s why I got the marker on it :slight_smile: I feel that the overwinter is going to help by allowing the microbes to mature , damn I wish I had a microscope


So I was doing some reading on sulfur and it turns out it’s dropping the pH of your soil so I wonder if you add lime if you can get it balanced and it stop burning things just a thought I hope it helps let me know if it does, please and thank you edit I love that:) Funkify and Wormolate :slight_smile: lol that’s awesome:)

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Now is this for composting purposes to make a better soil?


It’s an experiment I’m working on I’m not sure I understand the question Its just how I layered everything in case someone was wondering it’s kinda a compost in place idk I’m not sure if I answered your question lol if not I’ll try again


No burning at all :sunglasses:. No pH problems

I hope you didn’t hunt that bugger just for this weirdery 🤦🙈

Just smoke it’s asshole if you’re that desperate :rofl:



Lol naw he took up residence under my house so he got his eviction notice they are pretty abundant here in the MO Ozarks about 10 miles south of the 38th parallel


So I put 3lbs of sulfur powder in ruffly 300gals of compost is that too much? I figured/eye ball it’s enough compost to fill a 55gal drum 6x give or take , or should I put the whole 5lb bag in there?

Now I can do a side by side with a control :slight_smile:

:cowboy_hat_face:throw some mothballs under the house that will get rid of him ( Question) you know how mothballs smell just hold them by their wings. :mage:

Fake news weed smells like myrcene and pinene and terpinolene everyone knows that. Sulfur? Who the fuck wants to smoke sulfur? Rotten eggs!

A year ago all those posers like Lowensfel were saying to put mango peels in your soil to make bud better, because skunk comes from myrcene and tastes like bitter fruit scraps. Now they got you guys putting dead animals in your soil smh.

I remember when people used to poop in their soil to provide sulfur indoles and carboxylic acids. Now they pay to haul their poop away and wonder why the tomatoes have a weak buzz.
Anyone got a photo of sulfur toxicity? Didn’t think so. Anyone got plants with yellow new growth? And a forum troll on deck to call it iron deficiency or normal fade instead of sulfur?


Swing and a miss. Only one troll here.


Lol that’s what I was thinking lol

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