Psychedelic drugs have taught me more than science ever could

That shit is beautiful man.


The frog in my packet and I took a 4.6 gram adventure a couple weeks ago. Played some Phish and watched a flyover of the ISS with the Dragon separated by about 20 degrees as it was preparing to dock. We started out in the daylight and ended up the night with clear starry skies and the flyover.

It was magic and my mind is healed back up for the time being. Shrooms may be the best medicine from where I sit.


I recently had interesting trip. Quite small dose, but i enjoyed every moment. 2 grams of cubes.
I was in forest on lake shore. I watched trees and i couldnt separate tree from ground, lake from shore, spider from net… Even sounds and smells were one with everything.
great expirience


Here is one that stuck. I found that I was able to trace discomfort in my body to uncomfortable thoughts (things I or others had said or done that didn’t sit right) and that when I did so, and addressed the thoughts, the sensations improved. I don’t think I understood, before that, why they called them “feelings”.


Last time I did mushrooms, I tried the LemonTEK method.
Soak the dried shrooms in lemon juice for 15 mins. Then take the whole thing.
Holy cow. Made 2.5g of cubes trip like 5g!!