Pvogs Tester Confirmation Thread


So I have done the worst thing imaginable, gone and got civilized. And organized. However, I need some help. I’ve got a lot of testing going on this spring, and so far these are the ones I have listed. If you are NOT on this list, but have sent me beans to test, please remind me and I’ll add you.

@Shoreline - Banana Republic, Kushmint, Wedding Cake, ECSD, Bubblegum

@anonymous4289 BBD

@Enjoi802 - Appy crosses

@LoveDaAutos - Fast Buds Lemon Pie

I know there’s more!! Help a stoner out. If you sent seeds for testing, I have them. Just need reminding…


You’re a busy guy! I was reading through your big grow thread earlier where you introduced the Omega pots, and it seems like you like having A LOT going on at once!


You might want to look at Farmer Freeman web site was just recommended to me by a friend.

Well, that’s one way to look at it @ix3u . I do stay busy during the summer, lol. Hopefully I have everything all set up by spring, and then its just a coast from there.
@OhNo555 I did take a look at Farmer Freeman, per your suggestion. I assume you were referring to the early sexing of plants. At $10 a plant, that’s just not viable for me at this point. First, you’re already throwing out a plant you’ve spent the growing. Now to pay that extra money, it’d be like going double in the Hole. For me, anyways. If I want a female for sure, I’ll buy feminized seeds. And if I do end up with a strong male, I can still save the pollen. So, between that, and being stuck in my old ways…


@Enjoi802 for your records if you keep track, PVOG got some Appy crosses from me, I think Reese’s and Ma Gooey both but he could tell you for sure.


I have those appy crosses listed on the thread @Dirt_Wizard thankx!!

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