ReikoX's Workshop 2021

Indeed. Come on, give me some more likes to give out…
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Haha, yep thats how I feel on Fridays.


LIKE, LIKE, LIKE. :smile: Best I can do, lol


I went down the CO2 rabbit hole yesterday. My pulse grow monitor has been giving me low CO2 warnings (<390 PPM) for the last week or so. I already have a 20lb CO2 tank and getting a controller and solenoid for it would set me back about $350. That didn’t seem to deter me, but when I tried to figure out how long a tank would last me, I got a bunch of different values from 10-44 days. These calculations depend upon room volume, lights on time, and how well sealed the environment is. I could handle swapping tanks every 30 days or so.

Calculating the volume of my entire room, it is roughly 10’x10’x7.5’ (750 cubic feet). So to figure out the CO2 required to raise the level to 1000 PPM, I would multiply that by 0.001 (parts per million). In my room, I would need a total of 0.75 cubic feet of CO2 to hit my target of 1000 PPM.

Assuming a 100% air exchange every 2 hours (air leakage through cracks and doors) is normal in most grow rooms. So, I would use 0.75 cubic feet of CO2 every 2 hours or 0.375 cubic feet per hour. I would need 6.75 cubic feet per day using an 18/6 light cycle and 4.5 cubic feet per day using a 12/12 light cycle. A pound of liquid CO2 contains 8.741 cubic feet of gas, so my 20lb. cylinder will hold about 175 cubic feet of CO2. So the CO2 tank should last me about 25-39 days depending on the cycle.

Back when I was running small cabinets, I had this idea to use one of these acid/base CO2 generators. I bought it and never got around to using it. Last night I hooked it up. I added 200 grams of citric acid and 600 ml of water in one bottle, and 200 grams of baking soda and 200 ml of water in the other bottle. The tubes create a siphon that pulls citric acid from one bottle into the soda of another bottle. This creates a chemical reaction that generates pressure and CO2. I had it setup to release around 2 bubbles per second and had moderate results, I at least didn’t get any CO2 warnings from my monitor, but it also started at a bit higher of a value than it has the last few days.


Got here late so currently watching through the window, sounds creepy I know but don’t worry I’m not a ripper and by the next Free Seed Friday drop I may have crept in the back door a little closer to the action… got to be in it to win it :call_me_hand:t4:


Don’t let the number of posts fool you. Most if them are just chatter. :grin:


I hang out in his neighbor EVERY Friday, walking down his street, shaking my Beggar’s Cup!!! No shame, I assure you, none whatsoever. SS/BW…mister :honeybee: :100: :pray: :heart_eyes:


Ah seed Friday again another reiko selection up for grabs good luck everyone.

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Congrats guys and thanks again for the giveaway @ReikoX

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That’s really damn cool. I’m interested in how much that increases levels. Love the simplicity of it

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Science is amazing. I wanna live in your lab. :microbe::test_tube::dna::syringe::microscope::alembic:



@ReikoX I just got the beans and stickers from last week’s giveaway. Thanks again for the chance to win some badass beans!


No-till beds at day 27F. I’m seeing a little bit of an early fade, it looks better in person. Right now I’m thinking I increased the lights too soon. I bumped them up from 70% to 100% when I flipped to flower to try to keep a similar DLI. Next time I will wait until the stretch is over and see what happens.


Still looking good nice bud development.


Tell me you got this for your planted aquarium…
Haha :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes: your running a sealed room to pump CO2 into the grow?

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Hahaha LMFAO … I’m never fast enough. Love this place.


The acid/base reaction worked minimally, but I went through 200 grams of citric acid in three days. Like you said, its intended for an aquarium.

The CO2 tank I already have is actually for my Jeep. I use compressed gas for my air lockers. I ordered up a smaller 5 lb tank for the Jeep.

My lung room is sealed quite well, so adding CO2 to it shouldn’t be too big a deal. I ordered up a controller and solenoid valve. We will see how that works out.


Think your gonna like it should be a noticeable difference relatively quick once you start . I’ve found better results running a hotter room seems the c02 likes low to mid 80’s temp .


Was just what I was searching for…the pot size works nicely. Been trying to get the most plants in a small area at that size


Never seen this before, your experiments are always top notch and informative, Thank you.