ReikoX's Workshop 2022

I’ll be using Dr. Bronner’s castile soap not a petroleum derived detergent. :wink:


kill bugs


Had someone on another forum suggest Forbid… :roll_eyes:


I found canna mammoth worked good on mites not sure if they where clover mites or spider mites at this point tiny and red but had a small cluster on one of my plants outdoors maybe spotted 6-10 in total few weeks back spotted it real early I think haven’t noticed one in close to 3 weeks :crossed_fingers: alternating sprays between spinosad,cannamammoth,homemade zymez and water with Castile soap wishing you the best of luck on eradication!


Just try some ladyy bugs first !
Also they aell beneficial mites and nematodes that eat spider mites
Cheap on Amazon and they send plenty lol


Sorry you are having to deal with this. It rather sucks, especially when your grow gear is so on point.

I will be watching to see how you solve it. I may need to know that some day.



From my non-cannabis specific experience with two spotted spider-mites I’ve definitely come to the conclusion that they love clover. I always assumed the micro-climate near the soil would be humid and that a mite that thrives in hot and dry conditions wouldn’t prefer clover but I’ve noticed over a decade and a half of growing leguminous cover crops like clover and field peas that I was wrong. Phytoseiulus persimilis as recommended above are very effective predators for controlling two spotted spider mites, but not so much for eradication from my experience. Also they are obsessive about vertical movement so it’s unlikely they will go anywhere near the clover or lower foliage. If you ever get a bottle watch how they relentlessly climb to the top of the bottle near the cap and then watch how they climb to the very top of the plant as well. Insectaries capitalize on this behavior on bean plants I was told in order to harvest them for sale.

A. cucumeris sachets (another predatory mite) or something like that may be a good preventative after eradication though. I’d definitely recommend avoiding amazon for beneficials and there’s a whole host of reasons not to use wild harvested lady bugs as well (it’s the larvae that are voracious predators anyways). There are plenty of places in the US that dropship biologicals from the insectaries but you do have to pay for overnight shipping for almost all of them (Phytoseiulus persimilis included).


I would take any parasite over mites, they are the f-ing worst. I always just start over, with tiny clones but that’s a really bitter pill.


Yeah, I’m familiar with your protocol 0. :wink:


This one’s in stock, I have been considering it for my tents but it kind of looks overkill, maybe it would be right for your room though?


Early detection saved your grow, i use triple strike Ortho 3-n-1 + 50ml neem oil spray indoor and out, pushing the leaves up and spraying the under sides. All bugs dead within 24 hours. Stay alert, the world needs more lerts. :rofl:


Second the protocol 0.

Kill the males and females. Strip and drown the clones with a drenching treatment of trifecta to follow for a week. Act fast, move sliently leave a trail of dead mite bodies in your wake.

download (6)


Been using this for a while if I get in trouble. Works like a charm. Its organic and simply rinses off in a bud wash. Suffocates the lil buggers quickly. Pretty cheap and worth a try. About the only thing I use anymore.


That shit is not organic. Like, at all. It says right on the label that if you get it on your clothes or skin, you should,”Take off contaminated clothing. Rinse skin immediately for 15-20 minutes. Call a poison control center or doctor for treatment advice.”

I dunno about you, but if I have to take off my clothes and call a doctor just because I got some of it on me, I don’t want it anywhere NEAR my plants. And I definitely don’t want it in my lungs.


Agreed on all points. :slightly_smiling_face: wasn’t advert for you or anyone else. :sunglasses:


Oh yeah, I didn’t think you were “advertising” haha. I was more just thinking in terms of your own health.


Understood, I only use it before the start of a grow to clear cab of bugs. I don’t use it for flowering plants, only in veg will I spray leaves undersides. My greatest concerns about health are in the water, the air, the earth itself. :grimacing: on the other OG I was Atmosphear because I feared the air, now I fear the sun will break thru the magnetosphere and cause pink aurora’s…


I’ve had immediate and lasting luck with purecrop. Got a sample from the grow store and it sat on the shelf until I got a houseplant gifted to me with spider mites in it. Didn’t catch them until they started making webs. Three applications, never saw them again.

All that said, I recently did some microscopy where I had a mixture of LABs and water and compared a before and after Purecrop. It was lifeless after adding Purecrop. Everything was dissolved. I know they say you can add it to soil but until I look at more slides I’m staying cautious and saving this stuff for foliar issues, and if I end up using it, I’ll be following it up with an inoculation spray. It killed the shit outta those mites though.


@ReikoX I tried predatory mites, then lacewings, they only controlled, but never wiped them out. Ladybugs don’t eat mites from my experience.

I finally found persistence is the key. Spray enough to break their lifecycle, and when you think they’re gone, spray some more. They are a real pita to get rid rid of… unless you’ve got some napalm :slight_smile:

Good luck


Fogger success story here at home…

Just to beat the electric fogger drum one last time, take a glance at this thread wherein our brethren put foggers to use:

The punchline is a few hundred posts down:

-Grouchy :v: :green_heart: