Rhai88 & Friends... Games, Giveaways, and more! (Part 1)

Ladies and gentleman… it’s been a hot minute since I’ve been here in the giveaway thread. I do apologize things have been extra busy between setting up and working kinks out with the grow and tons of family gatherings but I think we should be on the more chill side of life for now. In the spirit of not having given away any packs other than on the Ryknows discord I feel I must get some packs out to some people.

I will be giving away :arrow_forward: (one of each) :arrow_backward: of the following.

:fire: 6 winners :fire: (all will come with Ryknows stickers!)

  • Chocolate Oozie (Chocolate Marshmallow x Boozie)
  • Gorilla Oozie (GG4 x Boozie)
  • Blueberry Diesel F2 x Black Cherry
  • Negan’s Bat (Tombstone F2 x BamBam)
  • Blueberry Diesel F2 (Blueberry Pie x Chem Fuego)
    Originally created by @anonymous4289
  • BamBam F2 (Flintones x ToyZ)
    Originally created by @NugLifeFarms420

:arrow_forward: P.S. Myself @SkunkIE and some friends will sampling his Lemon OG, Lemon Jack, and Golden Sunset here shortly to see if all 3 are worthy of a cross to my Blueberry Diesel F1 pollen. If so, clones are well established and ready to go for some crosses and new beans will be made available for testing in the Ryknows thread!!! Contest is still ago if you start any of our beans before the end of the year. 3 chances to win an OG T-Shirt and best voted flower photo will also win a $100 gift card to a seed bank of your choice. Check out the rules/details RyKnows :rhinoceros: testers!

To the WIKI

  1. @duo :canada:
  2. @Rabeats2093
  3. @Zolorp :us:
  4. @donuchee :us:
  5. @justanobody :us:
  7. @Coffin_Dodger
  8. @Movement13
  9. @OnePassionateGrower
  10. @BeTheLight :us:
  11. @Jim
  12. @illicitmango
  13. @THCeed
  14. @GallacreekD66
  15. @503BudMan
  16. @Natea
  17. @Jimdoors
  18. @anonymous4289
  19. @SubzeroIceKold
  20. @ShiskaberrySavior
  21. @percyryan66 :us_outlying_islands:
  22. @Kgrim :us:
  23. @blowdout2269
  24. @freestyletothis
  25. @LzBoy :canada:
  26. @Piter :es:
  27. @Greenfingers :us:
  28. @CanuckistanPete
  29. @ix3u
  30. @seeds2weeds
  31. @HomegrownVABudz
  32. @dingys
  33. @patsnumone
  34. @Smooth
  35. @LedZeppelin
  36. @DrEvill :us:
  37. @freed111 :canada:
  38. @herojuana.tom :us:
  39. @jamMAKEcan . :us:
  40. @Kasper0909
  41. @OhNo555 :us:
  42. @420noob
  43. @Thats_bank
  44. @Tuned :canada:
  45. @Ghost_Rider
  46. @BIGJ :us:
    Add numbers as needed. Watch your edits.

Will draw tomorrow at some point after work! :wink: