Rhai88 & Friends... Games, Giveaways, and more! (Part 2)

WAHOO!!! You rock ๐Ÿชจ @DirtySlowToes for the pull on my lucky :four_leaf_clover: #5 and thank you ๐Ÿซต as well @Kami for your contribution too! Deets incoming by DM! :clap::clap::clap::us::comet::upside_down_face::+1::facepunch::ok_hand::wink::sunglasses::peace_symbol:

Congratulations :tada::balloon::confetti_ball: :champagne: @Jim & @Trimeresurus on the wins :trophy: as well. Nothing like being one :point_up: of the lucky :four_leaf_clover: DAWGS! Thanks to all that contributed to this one! :partying_face::partying_face::partying_face: :+1::facepunch::ok_hand::wink::peace_symbol::sunglasses:


Congratulations to all the winners :+1::green_heart::+1::+1::tada::boom::boom::heart::fire::fire::100::100:


Congratulations to all the winners :trophy:
Get your money kids :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes::rofl::anguished::grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:


Buy some lotto tickets bro. Lol


:arrow_forward: New labels for packs have been ordered. Iโ€™m excited to be moving forward in a fresh direction. Something that suits both @Rena93 and myself. Simplistic, basic, and representative of her and Iโ€™s energy. Iโ€™ve been very into abstracts lately and the design just kinda fell together. Iโ€™m a black and white sorta dude too. The only colors of clothes I own :wink:

:arrow_forward: Also to those who have any interest and use the platform Discordโ€ฆ Iโ€™ve recently joined up with a collective of growers in efforts to expand the potential of cultivars as well as like minded people to work with.

Iโ€™m excited to start this new journey and we are looking for dedicated individuals to help us grow and test our new crosses.

We are looking for testers who are committed to:

  • Becoming part of a tight knit group of growers
  • Regularly documenting the growth process.
  • Providing detailed accounts of their observations and results.
  • Sharing photos and updates of the plantsโ€™ progress.

Weโ€™d like this discord to be a home away from home from OG. I got mad love for OG and it will always be home base but I love sharing video/high resolution photoโ€™s and discord helps bridge that gap especially with a tier 2 boosted server.

I know this sort of thing isnโ€™t for everyone and weโ€™re looking for it to be a little more selective/exclusiveโ€ฆ but this is a re-attempt on my part to have a more consistent and vetted set of testers.

There will be many different sets of seeds Regs and Fems from each collective member (6 of us) so something may tickle your fancy.

Please PM me if there is any interest. Pics of your grow/experience will help.


Hey :wave: @Rhai88 & @Rena93, really like the black and white retro look :eyes:! Very eye :eye: catching, canโ€™t wait to see one land in my mailbox :mailbox:! :ok_hand::facepunch::+1::wink::sunglasses::peace_symbol:


Are you all @Rhai88 & @Rena93 planning on making some stickers with that design on them as well?


Also love that logo! :+1::boom:


Yes we will be dedicating more time and resources to growing as a whole. Stickers, shirts, and all sorts of other wild stuff especially collective material as well.


Love it!!! Perfect, definitely a keeper!


Looks great guys :green_heart: good luck on the new venture.
You know Iโ€™m down to pound whatever yโ€™all brew up :seedling:


That design on a T-Shirt would be one hell of an idea! :clap::clap::clap::tophat::crazy_face::ok_hand::facepunch::+1::wink::sunglasses::peace_symbol:


Love the logo and your endeavors. You can do this!


@Rhai88 , can you PM me your Discord link. Will you be trading/selling seeds, snips/clones and pollen or just seeds? I have seen a lot of clone selling on Discord but most of them are trying to get crazy prices.


I would be interested in the link as well @Rhai88


I still canโ€™t get Discord to work right and got tired of fuckโ€™n with it :slightly_frowning_face:, but I know that @Rhai88 is only a DM away! :hugs::face_with_hand_over_mouth::ok_hand::facepunch::+1::wink::sunglasses::peace_symbol:


The guys Iโ€™m working with will be but thatโ€™s as we build this discord and down the road. They are holding some nice cuts between them. Iโ€™m actually growing a few of their cuts currently.

As of now weโ€™re only looking for some serious testers. People willing fully document grows.

I will have a list of everyoneโ€™s tester options shortly.

So if anyone is seriously interested DM me.


:arrow_forward: So I did a thing for the lady of the house/grow! I appreciate her and everything she does for me and well all of you guys! The first of many hopefully :crossed_fingers:t4:

:arrow_forward: Weโ€™ve also been upgrading and just got in a thermal printer. We can now get you guys your packages tracked! (US only) Weโ€™ve been asked a few times and have not had the capability and well now we do! Going forward if youโ€™d like to pay for tracking for your wins it is available!

I have ambitions of OG sponsorship this year so we are definitely putting in work and expanding our efforts! :wink:

:arrow_forward: Please be patient with us as we transition to this new brand! :green_heart:


You all @Rhai88 & @Rena93 are the best and always have OGs best interest at heart :heart:! :partying_face::partying_face::partying_face::ok_hand::+1::facepunch::wink::sunglasses::peace_symbol:


@Rhai88 & @Rena93 you rock! Across the board, everything you touch seems to turn to goldโ€ฆfor real, much respect and best of luck yo you on all your endeavors SHIRT IS AWESOME