This will be up for 24 ish hours DO NOT overwrite each other!
Here we go folks… a Blueberry giveaway!
Decided to give the pack of Coastal Blueberry I won @SHSC-1’s auction back to the community!
(if you win and make F2’s I want some )
Be sure to @ anyone who you think would be interested!
Winner of this giveaway will receive a pack of
- Coastal Blueberry
- Blueberry Diesel F2’s (your choice of mom)
- Choice of 4x4in. New Design holo or refrigerator magnet.
(If you’ve already won a new sticker you can nominate someone)
To The WIKI…
- @Jimdoors
- @Tracker
- @Smoklahoma
- @herojuana.tom
- @LtShDc
- @Kgrim
- @laquiqa
- @Thats_bank
- @Slick1
- @Terpsnpurps
- @Mrgreenthumb
- @E5_Wilk
- @Lady.Zandra63
- @Draig
- @THCeed
- @BudWhisperer
- @mainerJ
- @CanuckistanPete
- @CrunchBerries
- @PeaceCoast
- @Jameslax
- @Tripl3fastaction
- @HeadyBearAdventures
- @blowdout2269
- @Bobgrows
- @420noob
- @TopShelfTrees1
- @CocoaCoir
- @Qtip
- @Groenevingers
- @FattyRoots
- @tresbundles
- @Habitt
- @Smooth
- @Ris
- @Emeraldgreen
- @unomas
- @Tejas
- @MyLittleGrundle
- @donuchee
- @MonsterDrank
- @Illicitmango
- @Tlander
- @MI-1000
- @Natea
- @Piter
- @djtrip
- @Abbbian
- @SEMOActivist
- @Bambam
- @503BudMan
- @Faithisyours
- @Txana_kuin
- @Green_Light
- @yardgrazer
- @MissinBissin
- @Sincitytoker
- @Heliosphear
- @jamMAKEcan
- @LedZeppelin
- @mota
- @HappyTrees23s
- @carbon
- @patsnumone
- @Greenfingers
- @likeparm420
Add numbers if needed
Watch your EDITS. If a mistake is made help each other out. I know there are some master wiki editors out there! Be sure to take care of you WIKI neighbors!