Seed Run Co-Op Hibernate closed

Don’t get me wrong i smoke at work too. Manual labor hurts too much otherwise :grimacing: lactic acid buildup happens in the first hour and I have to push through another 3-5 hours after that. Energy drink if I’m tired on my feet and I burn through it in an hour also​:grimacing: initiative takes Energy though​:grimacing:


Signed up! Looking forward to the grow

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Alright, finally downloaded the photos from my phone. Here we are November 11th just before the gender reveal filling out and stretching…

And now caught up, here we are today…3 boys and 2 girls. Dunno how I managed to have the all the boys on the right side and the girls on the left though its pretty cool

The boys have just started to release their pollen so i’ll start shaking them every other day or so to make sure it spreads around and give them ~11-12 more days to do their thing before they are castrated :stuck_out_tongue:


Hey @MomOnTheRun I think I made a boo boo when trying to sign up! I’m so sorry.

I believe it got changed to a different thread. Trying to change it back to the seed run co-op section, not working. please a little help…

So sorry everyone, don’t hate me LOL


Really liking the new system. We appreciate you Mom, you THE mom!


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Eat a banana 20 characters

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A mistake? Are you kidding me? Searching for ban hammer icon as we speak… I’m appalled :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:

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Not enough to help sadly. Even despite eating them pretty frequently, I wound up so deficient in it the hospital when I went in for my concussion, they asked if I could swallow pills, as I was taking a potassium supplement. 4 of them at once😬

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Pro tip: eat that little ‘nub’ at the end that everybody throws a away. Has many times the amount of potassium as the rest of the banana. Commercial fishing secret…


Potassium defiency problem, they suck.
To low it’s like vertigo too much will kill ya.
Bananas and sweet potatoes is the natural cure.
You can always go to the drug store and buy potassium pills, size of horse pills.


Potatoes regular work for me. I don’t like sweet potatoes. Yams on the other hand though :yum:

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Definitely not possible for me :face_vomiting: banana sugars make me vomit by themselves. A ripe banana always sets off my bag reflex and the nub is always the sweetest part​:face_vomiting: it tastes like artificial sweeteners :face_vomiting:

I can only stomach yellow bananas. Mild spotting is okay, but once they start to look like freckles it’s banana bread time. The dilution is key alongside other flavors to make it palatable :yum:


Sorry about your luck. I was raised on locally grown bananas and plantains. Bananas give me heartburn like a motherfucker, but worse than that is cramping. And as far as banana bread time, nah that’s when bananas are basically black with a couple yellow spots. I was raised in the south and can tell you :100: a loaf of banana bread lmfao


I don’t know your situation, but perhaps fried or baked plantains would be of value. The Cubans have quite a few ways to prepare plantains that would be of benefit. My lady dehydrates plantains that are amazing. And usually prepares green


I like my bananas green like my aliens :banana::alien:


Looks like all is well now…go to work for 10 hrs and miss all the fun :stuck_out_tongue:


Essentially in a nutshell the factors are: dangerously high metabolism, heavy manual labor, high amounts of caffeine, and not enough potatoes. I should probably eat more potatoes thinking of it😬


I never liked bananas but they became a necessity pouring concrete unless you like muscle spasms and cramps


My main concern is not about not liking them, but in that my throat starts to swell up a bit and my jaw starts to lock up when I chew them while ripe. It brings the same level of disgust to my face as walking in a gas station bathroom or a portapotty :face_vomiting: I can’t understand why, but I’ve had to deal with it my whole life. I’ve tried forcing it down before. I just end up throwing up after feeling sick.

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Hey man you do concrete work too?!

Haha I might have to try eating more bananas … I’m constantly in pain doing this rough carpentry… used to only do interior finish carpentry. God I miss those days LOL.