Shaggy's Fantasy Island (A virtual exclusive cannabis community, of sorts.) (Part 1)

Excellent! I’ll put 32 years of smoking 9 years of growing experience, along with locating AB G13 in 1999 on what I’ve spent 24 months doing from scratch that created 2 new recombinant strains of Xmas and Crippy, cause I’ve NEVER had it in my life!


Smh, Youngsters lol


With all that experience, surely you’ve scuffed a few seeds.
I’ve got 200 70’s era Hawaiian seeds that I gotta get scuffed. It’s kinda hard on my old arthritic hands selecting and scuffing these by morning


Poor guy, has no luck. :cry:

That @SmokinJoeMGF guys is full of hot air don’t let him get under your skin.
He is all talk and no action. :wink:
The last time I was in his garden he was growing red bud.
I tried to tell him but he just did not want to listen. :joy:


I told you no pictures damnit!!!


Man I would love to make it. Would depend on being able to get a baby sitter or not. Doubt the old lady would let me go alone lol I’ll talk to her about it though. It is my birthday the 14th so maybe she would :sweat_smile::crossed_fingers:


A few ? :joy: Try 2500 GFW in 2000 to over 100 OG 1.0 member’s globally. After 100 I said time to let Richard Carlisan handle it and I sold the rest for 10 a seed. First to have a G13 hybrid after Mr. Nice


Let’s see, how can I put this… I was just asked to climb the attic ladder to change out a filter in the AC unit, I just got done smoking my A2 and started stumbling, so I’m impaired to point of being uncertain to climb on a ladder :dizzy_face: I’ve been told NOT to smoke anything more until I’m sober enough to get it done….


I’m guessing the boss knows best…


LoL boss likes me to do things when asked, but when I’m high off my ass they get irked by it. I’ll come down soon it’s been since 9, might have another hour to ride. And even though I’ve been told not to, I don’t want to. That’s says volumes to the potency :smiling_imp:


My birthday is the 15th. We could turn it into a party


Well that’s a nice resume and all but these seeds still need scuffing and my hands are hurting from changing air filters all day


Funny guy, I’d prefer to use GA3/saltpeter and save my aching tendinitis and fibromyalgia prone hands the wear down :smirk:


That would be sweet man. I hope i can make it

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Hey so I have a girl that I found some pollen sacs on the lowers. It’s 47d into flower and they aren’t fully developed yet. Should I just pluck the nuts off since harvest is probably within the next 2 weeks anyways. Thanks all I believe it time to stoke the fire and crawl into my soft hammock for the night.

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Or you can try Ethylene. AKA florel

Or you could buy Optic foliar switch.


Brother, late nanners or a sack are usually YY chromosomes, it’s the earlier appearance that’s a BIG concern for prime pollen gemination that turns it all to seed that’s most likely herm prone. There’s also a time window that won’t allow a seed to mature, so even if it gets lose, past that 4th week it’s too late.

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Just a friendly reminder to support our family member @Ris
Check out this cool offer. :sunglasses:


I’m finally caught up. Wow. A lot has been going on!
Sorry. I have been busy. My wife’s aunt took sick and we’re running two homesteads right now. Caring for all the chickens, ducks, guinea, dogs… and then milking mine and her goats takes 24.5 hours every day.
I keep catching up here when I can though.


Good luck with all that is going on @MoBilly
Not enough hours in the day brother…WTF???
Sounds like you could use a little help…WOW. :hot_face:
God speed my brother!