Shaggy's Fantasy Island (A virtual exclusive cannabis community, of sorts.) (Part 1)

do i need to post my old man in a bikini photo agian for you ? lol im kidding i wont put u all thru that again i promise


No, but if I smacked you with it, anything that comes in contact would be stuck to you. Handing it, my hands were sticking to the phone holding it, or anything else. It’s like glue. It’s complete goo that does burn.

Welcome @duo I consider this island a sacred refuge and love it more with each passing day, and you will too!:relaxed:


How many guys are now using the eel skin condoms since moving to the island? :thinking:
Give the electric eel skins a try for something fresh.
You lady will be sure to get a charge out of it. :rofl:


Here we go again, @OriginalDankmaster96 is walking straight into it head on.
I just can’t resist.
If we did not love you we would not pick on you. :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

Sorry bro I just could not resist.
You owe me 2 smacks now, I will take it like a man.
A straight man…LOL


Oh I see, you like THAT kind of paddle… sticky cheeks excites :blush:




Thank you…

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Wo0t w0ot! Wtg @TopShelfTrees1 and @Piter. :+1:

Thank you for the generosity @ABushOfKush. :slightly_smiling_face:

@duo, keep your grass skirt on. :rofl:
Welcome friend!


Good evening Islanders!!! Hope all is well with everyone, outdoor crops are doing good and everyone is staying safe.
It’s been a bit slow at Reapers Glass Shop lately, work is slow, not a lot out for bidding, got a couple on the books, but those are long projects with a lot of engineering, discussions, changes, etc. Waiting on the approvals from Ford for the doors at the new train station headquarters, then I can start knocking those big beasts out, and have a set of custom cladded doors for Tiffany & Co coming soon. In the interim, have been working on my partners 40’ conex “bar” trying to get that finished up so the parties can get going.

Another “Custom” door with leftover Brass Ripple cladding from an old Burberry store to make the Conex not look like a shipping container.
Keep your eyes out for the 4th of July WIKI with more seeds getting pulled from the Vault.


Man, sucks I’ve been busy… missed out on all the fun. You do some very cool things here man… Love the look of them buds you blessed a few with, excellent work.
That door is epic, wish I was close enough to have you make one for my front door… doublewide, fairly new, front door is crap and doesn’t seal properly…
I did finished carpentry and kitchen cabinets for years… cruise ship bars and dance floors while in port… to hard to do now…

you do nice things bro all around…


Thanks @Carty!!! It’s been a journey the last 23 years building a company from the ground up. They went and made a title on the website, “curtainwall/storefront & door specialist”.
A lot of years of doing doors, hardware and fabrication has earned me the moniker I guess, LOL. I’ve repaired many manufactured home doors, even brand new never lived in units. Doors are a finicky deal, the frame can be square, plumb, & level, yet the doors eyelines and sealing are off. Yours can be fixed, but plan on taking a weekend to do it. Sometimes it’s just taking trim off, loosening some screws, and manipulating with wood shims, sometimes it involves a bit more, taking it all the way out, belt sanding here and there, and fudging the install. Putting it in and making it right, and whatever doesn’t look good as far as trim and finish, fix with a bigger caulk bead. If I would have to guess, the latch side jamb doesn’t seal top to bottom, and sometimes you can use a ladder, stand on it, grab the top of the door, and “twist” the door so it seals properly. In your case, that’s probably where I’d start because it could possibly be a foam filled steel door, if it’s not, a bit of tear out and manipulation is in order.
Hope this helps, and if I was closer, I’d pop over and get it to seal properly for you.


That’s so killer @Kgrim i love it awesome work as always bro :facepunch:t2: I too would love to have you work on my place anyday. Very cool

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Wow, very nice, I would never expect it was a shipping container.
You do good work! :star_struck:


Good morning islanders, I wanted to give a shout out to @The_Vault_Team for their kindness and generosity, my niece has Lou Gehrig’s disease… and finding fem photo 1:1 stains for her garden can be a challenge. The Vault contacted me and offered to send a free pack of their CBD Critical Mass for her, I wanted to let you guys know how much we appreciate it! :pray::pray::pray: @The_Vault_Team


We appreciate what they have done for you also.
Way to go @The_Vault_Team :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:
Much love to the good folks over there.


Hello, my island family!
We have a new family member to welcome.
If you have the time please welcome our newest family member @hawkman :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

It is good to have you.

I see you signed up for the biggest loser contest too.
I wish you the worst luck brother. :wink:


Welcome to the island, @hawkman! Kick those shoes off, burn a fatty and enjoy the views! :slight_smile:


Welcome to the Island gathering @hawkman !
Find yourself a nice spot and dig in. The volcanic soil grows some real :volcano: :fire: :exploding_head:


Well, we have a real noobie that just arrived on the island.
He just joined 2 days ago, but he does show real promise.
We will need to have Lucy follow him around for a while to make sure security stays tight.
Meet Lucy our head of security.

So let us welcome possibly the biggest newbie ever to Fantasy Island.


Welcome @Bayarealivingsoil! Glad to have you join the, somewhat controlled, insanity that is the island of misfit toys… OH I meant The Island of misfit stoners. lol
I must be high or something. It happens.
Pick a spot to squat and pass the pipe.