Shaggy's Fantasy Island (A virtual exclusive cannabis community, of sorts.) (Part 1)

Hey lions or just football fans got a great show and it explains a lot. Really helps set the record straight and kills all the rumors.


I was so close.

Great job guys. Way to put together another awesome giveaway

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Do you have any ice cream cake left

I was gonna run a chocolate ice cream cake.

The last person that sent me ice cream cake s1

We’re a total flop and never popped.

I mean after two weeks I was expecting one to pop

I would rather not say where they came from. But I saw your list.

Never grew a bubblegum

And fell in love with ice cream cake from the minute I had flower showing

Impressed and in awe to the Final Cut
But had to ask.

Never a dull day when you see so many strains come across the screen here on OG

HAPPY THANKSGIVING to you and your whole family

I will also say thank you for letting me in the island. The reading is awesome. And so are the people
Happy Sunday and hope you are healthy and well

Your work is always something I watch. Cause it’s like a tv show.

I always wanna see what happens next.

Thanks OG
For being you


I’ll watch that, even though I’ve kind of lost interest in football…he was one of the funnest players to watch who ever played the game.

Plus, I gotta know why???


Islanders, mods banned 2 sock accounts yesterday, Estacionsj and bongthrasher.
He’s back with another sock account: JusticeForMe
DO NOT give any seeds to this asshat, they use a distinct “ure” for the word your. He got a couple of very awesome OG’ers for seeds, even claiming he didn’t receive them, when others from the same run got theirs. Be aware this clown is lurking once again.


Thank you for the heads up! Sorry to hear this

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Thanks brother.
Big thanks to @GEMI-CONNECT616 for the heads up also.
For the record here…
When I spoke of Neighborhood watch this is exactly what I had in mind.
Not a snitch program, just let the family know there may be a shark in the water.


Just being me and always showing the love to the island.

This is a respectful and respected place. I wanna make sure no scumbag ruins all of our vacations

@Kgrim what’s the new name so I can block it from my end

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I think those were the new names. New socks could pop up which is why he talked about certain particular patterns in conversation


Checked and smelled very fishy :fish::tropical_fish::fishing_pole_and_fish::blowfish::sushi::fried_shrimp:

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Thanks for the link @420noob
I will check it out. :slightly_smiling_face:

Be aware this is an ICC crossed with MB-15.
If you want some I will send you some but that will be the cut off for those as I have very little left.

I can send ya a bubblegum cross too if you wish.

Thanks for the holiday wishes too, I hope you had a good one. :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

Happy to have you, we are family now, settle in and enjoy the fun.
Remember we are thrying to actually do this island thing but in our heads, that is why we need to grow good weed.
You know Calgon take we away…

Yes indeed, like no other. :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:
My personal favorite but I am in detroit.
By the way Emmitt smith sucks…LOL

That is the new puppet account.


Will send you a DM

YES to all you said.

Lol. I will be putting out a few seeds here quick as I believe I got it

They are looking very hearty and tiger striped so I am happy to share some

When the time is right I will get them going to the OG WORLD


The Mods must be on to him.
Next time, I am going to post his addresses that I have from him on every thread here and every other site there is. I will flood the net with his 3 addresses. Go away, we don’t like your kind.


Dox him huh :thinking:. I got a name and address actually have names and addresses of a couple of people who could use some knuckle prints on their face.:face_with_symbols_over_mouth:. Anyways enough of that.

@shag that show is good and yes they bring up emmit smith lol. His kids look just like him but not quite it’s surreal. I was wondering how many yards Barry actually ran? I mean his side to side running not gaining any forward yardage. Sit and watch 9 years of games counting yards which might be hard since lions were commonly on blackout to show games that might make advertisers money. Even trusty Detroit channel 3 home to tigers and lions games wouldnt play the lions some times :rofl::rofl:. YOU JUDAS’S!
@CanuckistanPete he does answer your question but kinda with a caveat. If you watch it you’ll see what I mean.

Edit: If a NEW member is asking for seeds and has a San Francisco address be wary until they are solidified!


I liked watching him too…but Sanders was just on another level.


Watched it. Loved all the backstory and old footage. Thought it was cool they brought his boys to do the actual interview. As for the ultimate reason(s) behind his retirement…without giving too much away, I’ll just say it fits with my understanding of him as a person.

With regard to the Thanksgiving game…ouch. But that said, without the Lions’ fumbles & poor timing of fake punt plays, it would have been a different game. As part of the cleanup Campbell mentioned in the post game interviews, they need Goff to just suck it up, protect the ball, and take the sack. He’s just not a running QB. Losing a down + yardage is better than losing possession due to a fumble caused by trying to escape a sack.

Also, am I the only one who thinks there might be something off with Goff’s throwing arm/elbow/wrist/fingers? He’s had a lot of loose, wobbly passes over the last couple weeks that were much tighter spirals earlier in the season—often without obvious indication that the ball was tipped or otherwise thrown poorly.


It wasn’t that bad, I had a toe amputated from complications from my diabetes. Nothing life threatening. I didn’t feel a thing until lately but still nothing compared to a heart attack. Thanks for the concern my friend.:peace_symbol:

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Sorry to hear, Thanks for the heads up.
Glad the Mods gave him the…


I sent a message to the mods on the new one I saw last night, and as of now, that account is still active, so OGers beware if this asshat.
They banned 2 of his sick accounts, I think there was one more, but I noticed the same punctuation in another thread that’s a dead giveaway.
Uses “ure” instead of your, and both his other sock accounts they used that punctuation time and time again


Sounds like you guys have this handled, I’m gonna keep swinging in this hammock :wink::palm_tree: