Shaggy's Fantasy Island (A virtual exclusive cannabis community, of sorts.) (Part 1)

Someone provide the lumber, I can make a mill if we can source a blade then we can build almost anything. A mortise joint is strong as hell when supported.

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Seems you were right on with this prediction.

It was not, a bit more offense at the end of the game and we may have had the win.
Funny thing, Clete Blakeman came across my phone feed today.
There were a couple of bad calls, was it ol’ Clete that made em?

Hope ya had a good Turkey Day and have a good weekend. @SmackyMcSmackers
Michigan will have a tough task against Ohio State.
I do not usually watch college but I think I will watch this one. :exploding_head:

I was hoping to get Stroud as our draft pick QB, but it may not work out.
Truly, learning how to win is much more important.
So you see, I am a bit torn on this subject. :upside_down_face:

Sounds like you are a pretty handy guy.
You would work well on @DougDawson 's crew.
Last I heard he was making us some shine and working on a wood-powered Jeep or something like that.

We could use some more shine over at the extraction center.
The trim is piling up and I would hate to waste it.

We are running low on trees at the moment, we planted over 100,000 new trees to replace what we have used so far.

I think we may need to find a way to make engineered lumber from hemp.
Any ideas?

We don’t wanna be like those people in history that used their last tree and could not get off the island, so they disappeared forever… :grimacing:


Think you Shaggy. I could not be more thankful this year. My list is long. Health, family, friends new and old. I am truely blessed.
Perspective is good.


Very nice!
Thanks for popping in brother!
Did ya have enough to eat?
Didya watch any football?

Hope you have a good weekend too @crownpoodle


Especially if Corum ends up out due to the knee injury from last week.

There were a couple no calls toward the end of the game in Buffalo’s last minute drive, the facemask grab that allowed Allen to skate by was perhaps the most egregious. The completion that really pulled Buffalo into FG range was one of the times Okudah was sorely missed. But the Lions went toe-to-toe with a predicted Super Bowl team and made it a Thanksgiving game worth watching.

Remember, though, the Lions also get the Rams 1st round pick this year from the Stafford-Goff trade. So LAR’s downward spiral directly benefits the Lions as the Rams draft position climbs.

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Perhaps a weave of stalks slathered in pipe resin, bound tight with hemp rope and then baked in the ground to harden. Might work… all natural.

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That may just work, good thinkin’!
He is a look into what the island may look like in real life.
Courtesy of AI.


I stopped by your place today and snapped a picture.
Maybe now other family members can find your place.
It is well hidden.


All are welcome, doors dont lock and the jars are always full
Island abundance lifestyle


I would say so, your lawn is made of weed… :exploding_head:
I would bet you are this generous in real life too. :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

It is a pleasure to have you and your hole as part of the island family!


@shag I just ordered an emergency air drop of Honolulu Blue Kool-Aid to the island. Seems like I’ve been going a lot harder at it lately than I’m used to in November/December.

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Been out of the loop…or off the Island. Has anybody came up with building fish traps out of plant stalks? Woven hemp for lines. I can make ones that will catch fish, crab, or lobster.


when we were kids we used to make crayfish traps using alder sapling sticks to make the cage and strips of the bark to use as cording to lash it all together. I grew up within bike riding distance of 2 creeks that produced really well back in the day (late 70’s early 80’s).
My mom wouldn’t let those things in the house, nor the crabs we used to catch off the white rock pier. My side kick back then, Arthur , a chinese kid , well his mom would cook anything we brought home LOL She would deep fry those crayfish with this spicey flour mixture as a coating… my god. Makes me wanna go crayfish hunting LOL


Good to see ya back to health @crownpoodle
Now get to work my friend, I know folks round here would give you 10 pounds of weed for just one lobster dinner… :rofl:
Myself included. :star_struck:

Package recieved. :cold_face:
water copy


Now you tell me you have more mad skills… :worried:
We have been eating salmon for months and now you tell me you can catch us some shellfish.
I outta give you one of those slaps moe gave curly.

But really that is an awesome skill to have.
Can you make me a youtube video?
Just kidding, but you are an interesting cat.

Ok back to island business…
You and @crownpoodle are in charge of building the traps. :smile:
I will send the massage girls round for your sore backs, but don’t stop making the traps, cause we are going to throw a party now. :partying_face:

What are we serving for dinner?
Lobster, Crab and Deep-fried crayfish with a spicey flour mixture as a coating.


LOL it’s been decades since I made one of those but I bet I could still summon up the skills LOL
I even have a grove of alders/aspen out back. Not sure there is any crayfish to catch around where I live these days.
But… on the remote northern tip of the island that i call home it’s winter time and that means i get to pursue one of my favorite pastimes for the next 4 months or so :slight_smile:
It’s ice fishin season!!!
*older pic… i use a power auger these days hehehe


My buddy still gets them out of the creek that runs thru the avo orchards. The occasional Steelhead too, which is real cool this far south. Cool to see and watch. Can’t say what creek, I’d have to kill ya after they killed me for telling you.

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So tomorrow is koolaid day…LOL

@SmackyMcSmackers we are favored in the game on sunday.
You seem to have pretty good insight into the meat of the game…
What are your thoughts?
Will TJ have a good day?
Will he makes some good blocks just for spite… :joy:

Oh, how bout that bastard mayfield, A hell of a finish to that game, but that fucker is messin with our draft picks.
He may need to get the nancy kerrigan treatment… :astonished:
Is he coming to Detroit?
I get some boys on it… :money_mouth_face:

Yeah I wonder how much of that was Vegas trying to make sure there’s enough money on both sides. Lions only started getting favored late in the week.

That said, if the Lions fire on all cylinders tomorrow like they have been, they should absolutely crush the Vikings. And if TJ’s record since he got traded is any indication, he’s gonna drop at least one possible TD.

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You do seem to have your hand on the pulse of things.
It was not a touchdown but a 3rd down conversion that he dropped.
So you still get a nice call!

Wow, it is nice to finally have a pro football team in Detroit… :joy:

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