Shaggy's Fantasy Island (A virtual exclusive cannabis community, of sorts.) (Part 1)

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Yea, man!
Now that is what I am talkin’ about.
I wonder how many different cuts we can hold on this wonderful island.

Imagine, walking round the island thinking something like this…
I have 100+ of the world best plants at my fingertips…What should I grow this round?

What a bitch it would be to have such a hard choice as this. :star_struck:
Ah the island life, I think it will be a good one!


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I am kinda new round here…
Are we all cool with talking about shipping clones in a place the outside world can see?
Maybe PM is best?

How bout a motion to discuss security ect.?
Roll a fatty and meet at the bonfire pit for a family discussion.
Yes, I feel a fatty is mostly mandatory, I also feel exceptions should be made.
But that is open for discussion too…LOL


So here is what is going to soon be available to the family.

Lil’ bit about the Headband.
I got it from a friend at another place.
I will try to find out how he obtained it.
Very unique sweet taste, pretty potent my guess is 7-8, I do not give out 10’s.
Taste is 8-9 ish, smoker subjective of course.
The yield is pretty good a 7-8 and pretty easy to grow.


I was up for this Island living thing last time around but I keep seeing them trashed by hurricanes…it’s off-putting

I actually do live on an island…it’s cold wet and windy but it’s unfriendly too :rofl:


Ok, we need to enlist the younger crowd for this…
Preferably good swimmers too.

Since we are really trying to do this, who do we have that is young and a good swimmer.

I am old but a real good swimmer, I have a huge background in construction too.

I motion we build a reef where necessary to protect our island and its huge cannabis crop.

We only have the headband, apple fritter, ect going right now…
Buy by hurricane season we should have a few acres planted.
We need to protect that crop first and foremost.

And the family of course…LOL

Does any one take issue with building a reef for protection.

Speak up now, or forever hold your peace…just kidding, you can bring it up at anytime…this is your home too. :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


I was thinkin’ hempcrete for the reef.
Any thoughts on how to get er done, or better material ideas?


As long as the clones aren’t flowering, yes… clones are fine

No sale or trade of finished product, being clones in flower, dried flower, hash, rosin, wax etc…

True it is legal in some areas to do so, we at OG like to keep it fair for all and try keep the shadier aspects out.


May I ask…what is the origin of your cuts?
Any backstory you have will help the family understand what you are holding.

I myself would like to get on the list for all 3.
I was looking for a Mac #1 cut already, I never asked anyone though, was just kinda listening to see if anyone had it.

Here it just fell into my lap.

I am telling you folks I am never going back to the mainland again. :mask:


Ok, cool!
Thank you!
Yea, a flowering clone may be high in THC, therefore it is not protected under the farm bill hemp thingy!
Strictly farm bill compliant here on the island. :laughing:


Just to reiterate here a moment for the security of the whole world not just the island.
To be clear here, and make it really simple.
We can not ship THC here on the island.
Well, at least everything should be kept Farm bill compliant, please!


I’m thinking the reef could be problematic…unless we can find one that’s already been upgraded…

I quite fancy building some huge heads to pass some time and confuse unwelcome visitors :+1:



Meaning no edibles, concentrates, flower, extractions, smokables, clones with active sexing…

I’m sure I’m missing something, but it’s getting close to my bedtime lol


I didn’t realize active sex with a clone was a thing! It explains a few things/people though :rofl:


Care to add a pic for a better visualization?
I am really building this in my head as we go along. :nerd_face:


Whoever does this should have knowledge of hydrodynamics to build me a surf break.


There’s a pic on here somewhere and if I was less stoned I might even find it :joy:

Easter Island heads rock :rofl: one I made earlier


I think we need to be real open minded here on the island.

I feel active sex with a clone should be allowed on the island.
Unless it is with a clone of one’s self, in that case you are just screwing yourself anyway. :heart_eyes:

I motion…Oh, hell never mind! :unamused: