Shaggy's Fantasy Island (A virtual exclusive cannabis community, of sorts.) (Part 2)

Some I suggest are willfully ignorant.

People still do not believe smart meters are a real thing.
Maybe they believe they are real but they don’t believe they can do what they do.


Couldn’t agree more. Denial is a coping mechanism. It is a poor one, but many rely on their blinders to get them through.


I get frustrated with the argument “if you’re not doing anything illegal then surveillance won’t hurt you”


I despise this argument!!!

What all can smart meters do?


I know a guy who works for a power company. He said that they use power lines like an internet to read your meter. I always wondered what else they can read?

Keep in mind that I’m a tad bit paranoid about these issues.



Yeah we don’t need privacy the drafters of the constitution didn’t know what they were talking about hehe. I wonder how the oath for enlisted E1’s is different for the Lieutenants?


Well they tell them how much they have to raise the rates to meet their quarterly profits all the while metering your usage and suggesting ways that you can save more! Yes that is like the soda bottling manufacturers moving from glass to plastic and placing the plastic mess in your hands thus increasing profits and making you responsible for their mess. Glass you got something back plastic you get to finish the job they hoisted on you! Genius!!!

Kinda like getting cutt of by a woman and you say fn crazy women drivers, yet if you say wow woman driving that is fn crazy.


Below is the business model


Now we need to reverse that with micro plastics in every living thing on earth.
Bring back the glass, micro glass is sand…LOL


I read that there is a detectable amount of plastic in every cubic meter of sea water.


Micro plastics are everywhere!

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They want to BS about global warming, who knows what this shit will do to the world.
But no big correction away from plastic…no no no…

In our blood, in the blood of our meat and fish, even in our lungs they say.
If we are talking about detectable amounts.

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Am I in the right thread? :disappointed: :palm_tree: :tropical_drink:


Supposedly we consume a credit card worth of plastic every week.

I can’t remember my sources on that, so may be questionable.

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See what happens when you drink all the rum? :rofl:
As a valued resident of the island, I hope we are not offending you, if we are I will ask the boys to tone things down.
Your view is important here as well. :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

The island theme has kinda been dimmed down.
Folks mostly keep to themselves and stay in their huts.

I think I started bitchin about GMO and it kinda snowballed from there.

It all started cause I wanted an alternative to soda.

Supposed to be good ingredients ect.
Fuckin shit is GMO.

Tiny little letters… bioengineered

Then I saw the army looking for psyops. operators and thought WTF, right on you tube.

We have been mostly talking about life in general, doin’ our best to not speak any politics.
I think we are doing pretty well on that topic but if you find the content offensive we can chill.
This is your house too. :wink:


You are buddy!! :joy::joy:. You’ve just caught us in one of these times
Don’t be too scared


Just sitting round the bonfire with some like minded guests, just shooting the shit.
It has been a bit boring round here lately… :upside_down_face:
With no rum and all… :pleading_face:


You know I love you guys. Shoot, don’t stop talking about whatever you want because of me. Not offended at all, and I really do appreciate being a part of this little corner of OG.
To be honest, though, some of the posts did bum me out a little :rofl:
…and I told you I was sorry about drinking all the rum! :innocent: It’s not my fault you won’t drink the hooch that me and the Captain made out of asparagus.


Apologies for bumming you out @tresbundles!