Snowhighs purple Thai haze male

I got this cut from a buddy. Super excited to run him. Love the structure on him. Hopefully getting the breeding tent set this week and hope to flop them a couple weeks after.

Female I am hitting are

Sweet tea
Super silver Haze
Cherry wine x 9lb berry pie
Shiva skunk
Black Afghan
Pine tar kush
And one other can’t think of right now


sounds really nice, setting my alerts for this one.


Handsome boy, those will be some nice crosses!


Working on getting this beast. I bet that male would love this Acapulco Gold cross.

6425 (2)


Hell yeah bro I can collect some pollen for you if you want. That girl is a beast​:star_struck::star_struck:

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That male looks great! If you find yourself with too much pollen, I’d be more than happy to use some lol


Lol is there such a thing as too much pollen. I’ll probably have extras I plan on having this mail around for a while so I can probably can get you some if you wanted to. Are you looking for like a whole vile or how much it would you be needing?

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What a wonderful structure! And a cross to Black Afghan! You got great taste :pray:t2:

Pz :v:t2:

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Thank you. Yeah he’s turning out to be a hell of a stud.

A 0.2ml or 0.5ml vial would be awesome, but I’ll take whatever I can get lol. Planning on starting running Thai crosses here in a couple months. Going to start with Prayer Tower Sativa (Lemon Thai x Appalachia) and go from there. I’ll def send you some beans I make or some pollen in return!

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Man I got a couple thais. I got a wild thai that is just a beast. It’s the mother I used to make my wild afghan which is wild Thai x Afghan. I got some seeds I still need to pop and also got some pollen of mango I believe but I know for sure I got lemon Thai pollen in my fridge. that sounds like a hell of a cross that you got. You have to let me know how they turn out


Holy crap man that looks insane :star_struck:

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That’s got some awesome structure. This should be sweet man :v::v:

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