SolStrip LED lighting: Product info and announcements

Oh boy, there is a crap ton of info on the web. Id start by Googling “series and parallel circuits”. Then Ohms law. That will keep you reading for a few weeks or so :slight_smile: Much of the info you find will be too advanced at the beginning, but there are a lot of beginner sites out there.

LED lights are wired in some combination of series and/or parallel. It depends on the details of the number of strips, how they end up positioned, the total power, number of drivers, and to some degree personal preference.

The easy way is to just let us lay it out for you.

There are several SolStrip builds on OG too. Some of them go into lots of detail on the construction. Just type in “solstrip” in the search at the top of the page.

Here are a few to get you started. There are a lot more :slight_smile: