SolStrip LED lighting: Product info and announcements

EDITED see above

initially when I purchased these SolSheet X there was quite a bit of speculation that the grow strips are better suited to small plants and SOG type grow operations and not so good for larger plants…after a few years of using these sheets I find they work as good for larger plants as they do for small plants …of course as long as we are talking size within the confines of a typical 7’ basement … I have plants in my current grow that are 24" tall and others that are 50" tall and both are doing fabulously


I found the same, no need for gaslight in this century :sunglasses:


Can’t wait for the day I can upgrade to some of these, the results are impressive.


Bridgelux strips are far cheaper and no need for heat sink. Good product here I just don’t like the idea of running the chips at 200% their rated value


Where did you get the 200% info from? I looked at the data, maybe I missed it.

Thanx & Cheers


It’s in this thread somewhere. After I read that I decided to go another direction.

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You read wrong, and chose wrong. SolSheetz ship with dimmable drivers selected to power their LEDs at anywhere from 50% to 110% of their rated power. Where you choose to run your lamps is up to you. @nitro is actually running his at about 70% of rated maximum power.


So I purchased one and then the 420 sale was to much to pass up so I bought another. I can’t say how happy I am. Amazing build quality. Excellent and quick shipping with plenty of updates along the way. The excitement on opening these and then setting them up was one I haven’t had in a while. It’s bright as the sun when I open the tent now lol. @Baudelaire huge huge huge thank you :pray:t3: for these and your continued contributions!!!


no need to run them at 200% i’m well below 100% and am having results I think will be hard to match with any sort of lesser product…

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How would you know they are a lesser product of you haven’t tried them out tested them side by side

They caught me out a few times, i cooked lots of young plants. An external dimmer is a good thing.
I don’t usually exceed 35W/strip (X2), hit 35W per sq/ft and yields can get impressive, above 40W/strip heat starts becoming more of an issue and efficiency drops.

@Daytripr69 Of course there are many alternatives, i went by performance/price and i think they hold up pretty well. I have built cob rigs cheaper but they didn’t perform anywhere near as well.


Don’t take it as a knock on my part, I just went a different way. Mainly for heat reasons and nothing else. I’m wanting some UV and IR strips to add in. That’s the only thing left that HID has over LED.

Oh sorry…bad play on words…I have no idea what you bought, hopefully its something awesome … I just was saying these panels are quite good and I doubt anything lesser could match them…


I went on the website to look for heat sinks? Any available? With out the led strips?

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Mike we only sell the fitted heatsinks together with SolStrips as SolStix, as they are custom designed specifically to be used together.

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Hi @Mike420,
Check to see if you have a “Metal Supermarkets” nearby. They usually have some appropriate raw aluminum extrusions. They also ‘charge though the nose’ but…


Ahh what! I bought like two heat sinks with out the LEDs last time and now I’m in need of three more :frowning: I have 3 extra led strips

Mike, connect with us at about this. It is a much better venue to sort specific customer requests.


Email sent re:shipping down under.

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