Sons Of Avery's Organic Grow Journals

No need to cover the postage, DM me your addy and i got you, you lost your damn collection i’ll hook you up with some other killer shit i tested too like mean gene and CSI stuff


Honestly, you’ve no idea how much I appreciate that!
I’m constantly blown away by the generosity of the OG crowd!
:heart: :v:


Just little update, so I can keep track of dates etc.

Today I watered aprox 5% by volume of the container (4-5ltr) with a 1/4 tsp of Quillaja 20. Trying to maintain a good moisture level so when I plant into the bed they’ll hopefully hit the ground running.

I managed to find someone in UK selling on ebay, what they claimed to be Jay Plantspeakers Quillaja extract. After a few messages back an forth with them, they sent out a small sample for me to test. I wasn’t keen on paying £20-30 for a random powder in an unmarked bag, that could have been anything.

But sample arrived, and it seems legit. So I’ll likely purchase a bigger quantity end of this month.

I’m guessing there’ll not be many in UK using Quillaja, but any US or Canadian growers using this stuff?



Hey! Good to see you back online! Sorry to hear about the loss of your seed stash that’s a kick in the balls.

If you’d like some bing f2s I can send some your way, just drop me a msg.


Never heard of it, but I just googled it, sounds like it’s similar to aloe? I read the word “saponin” like 20 times in the description, anyway haha.

I use aloe a few times a grow, both as a drench and in my IPM recipe, mostly because it’s supposed to encourage root growth. I don’t even remember what all it’s supposed to do, actually haha, but I have it, so I use it. I dunno if it does anything that wouldn’t be happening if I didn’t use it, but it doesn’t seem to hurt anything. Maybe that quillaja’s kinda the same?


Yeh so quillaja is very high in saponins, and that acts as a waiting agent allowing the water to soak into the soil a lot easier, so it won’t just run off any areas that might have dried out.
Saponins are supposed to be a great natural plant growth promoter. Great for using in foliar sprays as well.

I was put onto it by watching a lot of BuildASoil videos on YouTube. And I’ve been following Jay Plantspeaker on IG for a couple years now. Jay grows some absolute monster trees if you havnt seen them too.


So with the Berry OG being a dud, I popped the Fruity Widow as well, and it’s now 1 week behind the Purple Diesel Daze.

Shouldn’t be too much of an issue once I get the net on and start filling out the screen.

Cover crop is coming through strong now too.
And I spotted 2 or 3 gnats this afternoon :thinking:
I’ll ad some Nematodes and Hypoaspis Miles if I start seeing a lot of them in the traps.


Could be growing so many vegetables, flowers and herbs alongside those trees! :scream:
And auto’s all along the sides.
Walking paths made of woodchips inoculated with edible mycorrhizal mushroom spores, I mean, that greenhouse could be producing so much food alongside the cannabis…
God I’m really excited about getting my own peace of land. :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:

Then I would stop watering until they are gone.
There’s no big enough plants growing yet to suck it all up and it’s not much evaporating because of the straw.


I know that feeling, I’ve been living in rented properties for 10 years now, and it’s shit not being able to do anything long term with the yards I’ve had.
15 year ago i used to have my own home with a pretty big garden and green house, growing potatoes, carrots, blueberries, tomatoes, pepper, salad greens etc.
At one point I even had a mini corn field :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes: with 10-12 plants growing, and did the ‘3 sisters’ with runner beans and pumpkins. I was foolish in mid 20s though and wasted that opportunity.

Agreed, the last watering (was technically the first) just getting the soil to the right moisture level. And I’m only misting the pots when the humidity stats to drop while they’re still small.
They sit with a dome ober top usually, I just took that away for the pic.


Ah… the things we do in our 20s… :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:

May we both receive a nice peace of land to play with and nurture.


Quiet week this week, not much else to report on.
Started a worm bin so I can have some castings for top dressing, and just because I like the process of making my own compost and amendments where I can. Only about 50ish in here at the moment, and probably not the best species for composting, but I rescued them from the local fishing bait shop.
So at least they have a good life now.

Also added some heat sinks to the LED drivers as I’d noticed they were quite warm, not over heating, but once I switch all 8 strips on, I’m sure the heat will increase, so I’m preemptively trying to address that.

A quick overview of the light with 4 strips on.


Lovely stuff! All coming together and getting dialled in :sunglasses: nice job on the worm farm. I have a week off work starting this afternoon, you’re motivating me to do stuff now :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:


I like to see my gardening time as a reward for a hard worked week.
I’ve taken time off from my day job this week so I can work on my art and meet a deadline (I’m drawing a comic book at the moment).
So every day after I’ve finished drawing I’ve been potting up flowers plants outside, and then checking on the little ones indoors.

Hope you manage to find time for your garden too!


Spent the weekend away with my partner for her birthday, at a remote camping spot. Probably the last ‘holiday’ we’ll have for a while with baby due in a few weeks!
I’m going to try to keep on top of updates here, but they might be Weekly, as I’ll be up the eye balls in nappies and baby bottles :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:

Finished potting up some of the outdoor garden today. (Wish I lived remotely enough to really grow outside lol).
Olive tree

Some strawberries by the old tree trunk


Runner beans

Thyme & Rosemary



Mint and some West Country Lupin Tequila Flames.


Things are looking good!

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wait, there’s sun in England? haha, nice!


:grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes: :rofl: yeh, like the absolute bare minimum.

Last year we had the hottest day on record, 40°C (over 100f) so it can get hot here, but never for any long periods of time.

Made the most of this weekend and now I have sunburned shoulders :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:


This is why I love OverGrow! And the awesome people who make this community.

Its people like @supershitfuck
I’m absolutely blown away with their generosity.

A year or two ago, I sent out a load of my Soul Mate f2s, and after hearing that I lost my whole seed collection recently, this legend got in touch.
And not only sent me back some of my Soul Mates, but basically donated an entire collection to me.

Can not thank you enough!

I wasted no time popping 2 of the Durban x Zkittles as well!



Quick update, just to keep track of the dates etc.

Potted up into the big bed yesterday. (Forgot to put the humidity dome back over, and one of the leaves got a bit crispy. All sorted now and gave it a little Kelp foliar to help it out.

Spotted a few of the dreaded gnats last week too.
So added a few sticky traps, watered with gnatrol, added some Hypoaspis Miles and will water in some nematodes at the weekend. That should fuck em up enough to get them gone haha.


Letting the topsoil dry out is the easiest way to get rid of them, by not doing anything. :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:

The larvae don’t go deeper than the topsoil in my experience (I’ve dealt with entire civilizations :sweat_smile: ) and since your plants already are beyond seedling stage they won’t be bothered neither by gnat larvae nor dry topsoil.

Give it at least two weeks to dry, three to four weeks even.

Once they’re gone you can then stick a tube in the middle of your bed, or a plastic bottle with the bottom cut out and water in there, make sure to cover it up so they can’t fly into the tube/bottle.
And stick it in there pretty deep. :+1:

Also when topdressing with fresh mulch, like fresh grass clippings or leaves or kitchen scraps, nettles, dandelion, etc… all of that contains lots of water that will be absorbed by the fungi so when growing using lots of fresh mulch the soil needs a lot less water.

I see mulching as watering as well since most fresh plant material is easily 70-90% water.

Watering less will also help keep your air humidity in check.

You’d really be surprised how long your bed can go without water.
I’ve done 6 weeks without my cannabis wilting.
Diverse and often mulching is where it’s at!