Sour Bubble Redemption Seed run **Closed**

I added it for you @Abbbian

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Lots of people do. You have to go to the number and start with a space the @ and your name.

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Thank yew!!! @DougDawson much :heart: My brother!!

I got in finally.


I wqas number 11 three times now…this is not cool. now im gone


I had removed the accidental ‘g’ from my entry but someone went ahead and saved a conflicting version and added it back so I’ll just state that the g represents green marbles :roll_eyes:

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Dude, I already tagged them all including you.


Just saw that whoops :woozy_face:


You are number 28 now @tresbundles


…when you see red letters saying there is a conflict DON’T click on overwrite because you overwrite someone else’s edit. Instead, click cancel and try again later.


LOL, no worries @DesertHeartGardens , just don’t want to tag folks to many times :rofl: Cool of you to think of everyone :slight_smile:


Because I didn’t see a few people on the list that I added recently @no_chem @misterbee @thecrazster


In at #5 122.
Thanks for another chance Doug! :+1:


Man I really want the Sour Bubble. I would almost slap Stone Cold across the face just to get some.

The card is nice too.


Cool, added to list bud :slight_smile:

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What are the rosie looking things at the top 1/3 front Doug? :grimacing:

:green_heart: :seedling:

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We get excited!! Don’t blame ya @DesertHeartGardens!! :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes: :laughing:

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thanks for the heads up i was forgotten haha in in dougs haha :crazy_face: :rofl: :cowboy_hat_face:

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They are roses :slight_smile: Four roses to be exact.
It began when Paul Jones, Jr., the founder of Four Roses Bourbon, became smitten by the beauty of a Southern belle. It is said that he sent a proposal to her, and she replied that if her answer were “Yes,” she would wear a corsage of roses on her gown to the upcoming grand ball. Paul Jones waited for her answer excitedly on that night of the grand ball…when she arrived in her beautiful gown, she wore a corsage of four red roses. He later named his Bourbon “Four Roses” as a symbol of his devout passion for the lovely belle, a passion he thereafter transferred to making his beloved Four Roses Bourbon.


Doug, are these “real” marbles? Like purchased from a store? The town I grew up in had a fiberglass factory, and if you walked the train track you could find little irregular green marbles that would be melted down and blown out to become the strands of fiberglass, exactly the same color as these. The ones on the tracks had fallen out of train cars on the way to the plant.

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