C++ source code for performing power conversions auto-magically.
This is for the DIY types that have some software background. Questions/comment/suggestions are great but I’d like to ask forum members to avoid the “what’s this good for” type questions within this thread to avoid clutter. You’ll either know what this is or you won’t (yet).
Current conversion types in this class include watts, btu, tons, ergs, foot-pounds, calories, and horsepower. This class(es) handles conversion automagically including performance of math on disparate units. Unit conversion assumes the same time base. E.g. seconds when converting between two units, hours between two units, etc.
This is an on-going project with several associated threads with differing objectives. Additional source, documentation, etc can be found by clicking on the “sourcecode” tag.
edit 10/25: Updated to utilize c++ templates to reduce the source file size and eliminate the cpp file. The only disadvantage is that it’s more difficult to comprehend and assignments between units using “=” requires a type cast to the destination unit (because I couldn’t figure out a clean way to automate the type case magically using templates).
edit 10/26: added horsepower for electricity, horsepower for water, metric horsepower. Changed tons to tons_refrigeration.
// power_types.h
// Version timestamp: 10-25-2018, 6:55 PM
// Attribution : Copyright (c) 2018 Northern_Loki (sha256::6F290BF833967127BE26C92C8F6B1C1A3949C55A7EABCEF3ECC785CD2D38D30D)
// License is granted under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International. https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0/
// Power is defined as the amount of work over a specific amount of time.
// The conversions here should use the same time scales when performing the conversion. For instance,
// if you want to convert from Watts to BTUs, then the value for Watts must be the same time scale as BTUs.
// If the value for watts is based in seconds then the output to BTUs will also be in seconds.
// Likewise, if the value for watts is based on hours then the output to BTUs will also be BTUs per hour.
// Some usage examples:
// /* Conversion test. */
// footpound work_footpounds(1130.1);
// erg work_erg(work_footpounds);
// watt work_watts(work_erg);
// btu work_btu(work_watts);
// horsepower work_horsepower(work_watts);
// tons_refrigeration work_tons_refrigeration(work_horsepower);
// std::cout << "Footpound/sec: " << work_footpounds << std::endl;
// std::cout << "Ergs/sec: " << work_erg << std::endl;
// std::cout << "Watt/sec: " << work_watts << std::endl;
// std::cout << "BTU/sec: " << work_btu << std::endl;
// std::cout << "Horsepower/sec: " << work_horsepower << std::endl;
// std::cout << "tons_refrigeration/sec: " << work_tons_refrigeration << std::endl << std::endl;
// /* Conversion test. */
// footpound work_footpounds = 5129.77;
// erg work_erg = (erg) work_footpounds;
// erg work_erg2 = work_erg;
// watt work_watts = (watt) work_erg;
// btu work_btu = (btu) work_watts;
// horsepower work_horsepower = (horsepower) work_watts;
// tons_refrigeration work_tons_refrigeration = (tons_refrigeration) work_horsepower;
// std::cout << "Footpound/sec: " << work_footpounds << std::endl;
// std::cout << "Ergs/sec: " << work_erg << std::endl;
// std::cout << "Watt/sec: " << work_watts << std::endl;
// std::cout << "BTU/sec: " << work_btu << std::endl;
// std::cout << "Horsepower/sec: " << work_horsepower << std::endl;
// std::cout << "tons_refrigeration/sec: " << work_tons_refrigeration << std::endl << std::endl;
// /* Cast test */
// watt additional_work(1000);
// std::cout << "Footpound/sec: " << (footpound)additional_work << std::endl;
// std::cout << "Ergs/sec: " << (erg)additional_work << std::endl;
// std::cout << "BTU/sec: " << (btu)additional_work << std::endl;
// std::cout << "Watt/sec: " << additional_work << std::endl;
// std::cout << "Horsepower/sec: " << (horsepower)additional_work << std::endl;
// std::cout << "tons_refrigeration/sec: " << (tons_refrigeration)additional_work << std::endl << std::endl;
// /* Math test. */
// footpound work_footpounds = 5129.77;
// erg work_erg = 13558179.48331; /* 1 ftlbs */
// watt work_watts = 135.5817948331; /* 100 ftlbs */
// btu work_btu = 1.285067283946; /* 1000 ftlbs */
// horsepower work_horsepower = 0.01818181818182; /* 10 ftlbs */
// tons_refrigeration work_tons_refrigeration = 0.00038552022552; /* 1 ftlbs */
// work_footpounds += work_erg;
// work_footpounds += work_watts;
// work_footpounds += work_btu;
// work_footpounds += work_horsepower;
// work_footpounds /= work_horsepower;
// work_footpounds *= work_watts;
// work_footpounds -= 1001.1;
// work_footpounds -= work_tons_refrigeration;
// /* Should be ~= 61405.6 ft.lbs/sec*/
// std::cout << "Footpounds: " << work_footpounds << std::endl;
# pragma once
# include <string>
# include <sstream>
# include <boost/variant.hpp>
# include <iostream>
# include "Constants.h"
/* */
/* Conversion Template */
/* */
template <class T> class Convert;
class tbtu_variant; class twatt_variant; class tcalorie_variant; class thorsepower_variant; class thorsepower_electric_variant; class thorsepower_metric_variant;
class thorsepower_h2o_variant; class tfootpound_variant; class terg_variant; class ttons_refrigeration_variant;
typedef Convert<twatt_variant> watt;
typedef Convert<tcalorie_variant> calorie;
typedef Convert<thorsepower_variant> horsepower;
typedef Convert<thorsepower_electric_variant> horsepower_electric;
typedef Convert<thorsepower_metric_variant> horsepower_metric;
typedef Convert<thorsepower_h2o_variant> horsepower_h2o;
typedef Convert<tfootpound_variant> footpound;
typedef Convert<terg_variant> erg;
typedef Convert<tbtu_variant> btu;
typedef Convert<ttons_refrigeration_variant> tons_refrigeration;
typedef boost::variant<watt, calorie, horsepower, footpound, erg, btu, tons_refrigeration, horsepower_electric, horsepower_metric, horsepower_h2o, double> visitor_variant;
template <class T>
class Convert
double power = 0.0;
Convert(double r) { this->power = r; }
Convert(const visitor_variant &c)
this->power = boost::apply_visitor(T(), c);
void operator=(double c)
this->power = c;
void operator=(visitor_variant c)
this->power = boost::apply_visitor(T(), c);
virtual double operator()() {return (this->power);}
virtual double operator()(visitor_variant temp2) {return (boost::apply_visitor(T(), temp2));}
virtual double operator-(visitor_variant temp2){return (this->power - boost::apply_visitor(T(), temp2));}
virtual double operator+(visitor_variant temp2){return (this->power + boost::apply_visitor(T(), temp2));}
virtual double operator*(visitor_variant temp2){return (this->power * boost::apply_visitor(T(), temp2));}
virtual double operator/(visitor_variant temp2){return (this->power / boost::apply_visitor(T(), temp2));}
virtual double operator-=(visitor_variant temp2){this->power -= boost::apply_visitor(T(), temp2); return (this->power);}
virtual double operator+=(visitor_variant temp2){this->power += boost::apply_visitor(T(), temp2); return (this->power);}
virtual double operator*=(visitor_variant temp2){this->power *= boost::apply_visitor(T(), temp2); return (this->power);}
virtual double operator/=(visitor_variant temp2){this->power /= boost::apply_visitor(T(), temp2); return (this->power);}
virtual double operator>(visitor_variant temp2){if (this->power > boost::apply_visitor(T(), temp2)) return (1);return (0);}
virtual double operator<(visitor_variant temp2){if (this->power < boost::apply_visitor(T(), temp2)) return (1);return (0);}
virtual double operator>=(visitor_variant temp2){if (this->power >= boost::apply_visitor(T(), temp2)) return (1);return (0);}
virtual double operator<=(visitor_variant temp2){if (this->power <= boost::apply_visitor(T(), temp2)) return (1);return (0);}
virtual double operator==(visitor_variant temp2){if (this->power == boost::apply_visitor(T(), temp2)) return (1);return (0);}
friend std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& lhs, const Convert& rhs)
return (lhs << rhs.power);
/* */
/* Watt Conversion */
/* */
class twatt_variant : public boost::static_visitor<double>
double operator()(double c) const
return (c);
double operator()(watt c) const
return (c.power);
double operator()(calorie c) const
double temp = c.power * 4.1868;
return (temp);
double operator()(horsepower c) const
double temp = c.power * 745.6998715823;
return (temp);
double operator()(erg c) const
double temp = c.power * 0.0000001;
return (temp);
double operator()(btu c) const
double temp = c.power * 1055.056;
return (temp);
double operator()(footpound c) const
double temp = c.power * 1.355817948331;
return (temp);
double operator()(tons_refrigeration c) const
double temp = c.power * 3516.85284;
return (temp);
double operator()(horsepower_h2o c) const
double temp = c.power * 746.043;
return (temp);
double operator()(horsepower_electric c) const
double temp = c.power * 746.0;
return (temp);
double operator()(horsepower_metric c) const
double temp = c.power * 735.49875;
return (temp);
/* */
/* Calorie Conversion */
/* */
class tcalorie_variant : public boost::static_visitor<double>
double operator()(double c) const
return (c);
double operator()(calorie c) const
return (c.power);
double operator()(watt c) const
double temp = c.power * 0.2388458966275;
return (temp);
double operator()(horsepower c) const
double temp = c.power * 178.1073544431;
return (temp);
double operator()(erg c) const
double temp = c.power * 0.00000002388458966275;
return (temp);
double operator()(btu c) const
double temp = c.power * 251.9957963122;
return (temp);
double operator()(footpound c) const
double temp = c.power * 0.3238315535329;
return (temp);
double operator()(tons_refrigeration c) const
double temp = c.power * 839.98586988;
return (temp);
double operator()(horsepower_h2o c) const
double temp = c.power * 178.18930926;
return (temp);
double operator()(horsepower_electric c) const
double temp = c.power * 178.17903888;
return (temp);
double operator()(horsepower_metric c) const
double temp = c.power * 175.67085841;
return (temp);
/* */
/* Horsepower Conversion */
/* */
class thorsepower_variant : public boost::static_visitor<double>
double operator()(double c) const
return (c);
double operator()(horsepower c) const
return (c.power);
double operator()(watt c) const
double temp = c.power * 0.001341022089595;
return (temp);
double operator()(calorie c) const
double temp = c.power * 0.005614591284716;
return (temp);
double operator()(erg c) const
double temp = c.power * 0.0000000001341022089595;
return (temp);
double operator()(btu c) const
double temp = c.power * 1.41485340176;
return (temp);
double operator()(footpound c) const
double temp = c.power * 0.001818181818182;
return (temp);
double operator()(tons_refrigeration c) const
double temp = c.power * 4.7161773543;
return (temp);
double operator()(horsepower_h2o c) const
double temp = c.power * 1.0004601449;
return (temp);
double operator()(horsepower_electric c) const
double temp = c.power * 1.000402481;
return (temp);
double operator()(horsepower_metric c) const
double temp = c.power * 0.98632007271;
return (temp);
/* */
/* Foot-pound Conversion */
/* */
class tfootpound_variant : public boost::static_visitor<double>
double operator()(double c) const
return (c);
double operator()(footpound c) const
return (c.power);
double operator()(watt c) const
double temp = c.power * 0.7375621492773;
return (temp);
double operator()(calorie c) const
double temp = c.power * 3.088025206594;
return (temp);
double operator()(erg c) const
double temp = c.power * 0.00000007375621492773;
return (temp);
double operator()(horsepower c) const
double temp = c.power * 550.0;
return (temp);
double operator()(btu c) const
double temp = c.power * 778.1693709679;
return (temp);
double operator()(tons_refrigeration c) const
double temp = c.power * 2593.8976318;
return (temp);
double operator()(horsepower_h2o c) const
double temp = c.power * 550.25309815;
return (temp);
double operator()(horsepower_electric c) const
double temp = c.power * 550.22138297;
return (temp);
double operator()(horsepower_metric c) const
double temp = c.power * 542.47605818;
return (temp);
/* */
/* Erg Conversion */
/* */
class terg_variant : public boost::static_visitor<double>
double operator()(double c) const
return (c);
double operator()(erg c) const
return (c.power);
double operator()(watt c) const
double temp = c.power * 10000000.0;
return (temp);
double operator()(calorie c) const
double temp = c.power * 41868000.0;
return (temp);
double operator()(horsepower c) const
double temp = c.power * 7456998715.823;
return (temp);
double operator()(btu c) const
double temp = c.power * 10550560000.0;
return (temp);
double operator()(footpound c) const
double temp = c.power * 13558179.48331;
return (temp);
double operator()(tons_refrigeration c) const
double temp = c.power * 35168528400.0;
return (temp);
double operator()(horsepower_h2o c) const
double temp = c.power * 7460430000.0;
return (temp);
double operator()(horsepower_electric c) const
double temp = c.power * 7460000000.0;
return (temp);
double operator()(horsepower_metric c) const
double temp = c.power * 7354987500.0;
return (temp);
/* */
/* BTU Conversion */
/* */
class tbtu_variant : public boost::static_visitor<double>
double operator()(double c) const
return (c);
double operator()(btu c) const
return (c.power);
double operator()(watt c) const
double temp = c.power * 0.0009478169879134;
return (temp);
double operator()(calorie c) const
double temp = c.power * 0.003968320164996;
return (temp);
double operator()(horsepower c) const
double temp = c.power * 0.7067870061706;
return (temp);
double operator()(erg c) const
double temp = c.power * 0.00000000009478169879134;
return (temp);
double operator()(footpound c) const
double temp = c.power * 0.001285067283946;
return (temp);
double operator()(tons_refrigeration c) const
double temp = c.power * 3.3333333333;
return (temp);
double operator()(horsepower_h2o c) const
double temp = c.power * 0.70711232831;
return (temp);
double operator()(horsepower_electric c) const
double temp = c.power * 0.70707157217;
return (temp);
double operator()(horsepower_metric c) const
double temp = c.power * 0.69711830763;
return (temp);
/* */
/* tons_refrigeration Conversion */
/* */
class ttons_refrigeration_variant : public boost::static_visitor<double>
double operator()(double c) const
return (c);
double operator()(tons_refrigeration c) const
return (c.power);
double operator()(watt c) const
double temp = c.power * 0.00028434513626;
return (temp);
double operator()(calorie c) const
double temp = c.power * 0.0011904962165;
return (temp);
double operator()(horsepower c) const
double temp = c.power * 0.21203613115;
return (temp);
double operator()(erg c) const
double temp = c.power * 0.000000000028434513626;
return (temp);
double operator()(footpound c) const
double temp = c.power * 0.00038552022552;
return (temp);
double operator()(btu c) const
double temp = c.power * 0.3;
return (temp);
double operator()(horsepower_h2o c) const
double temp = c.power * 0.21213369849;
return (temp);
double operator()(horsepower_electric c) const
double temp = c.power * 0.21212147165;
return (temp);
double operator()(horsepower_metric c) const
double temp = c.power * 0.20913549229;
return (temp);
/* */
/* Horsepower Electricty Conversion */
/* */
class thorsepower_electric_variant : public boost::static_visitor<double>
double operator()(double c) const
return (c);
double operator()(horsepower_electric c) const
return (c.power);
double operator()(watt c) const
double temp = c.power * 0.0013404825737;
return (temp);
double operator()(calorie c) const
double temp = c.power * 0.0056123324397;
return (temp);
double operator()(erg c) const
double temp = c.power * 0.00000000013404825737;
return (temp);
double operator()(btu c) const
double temp = c.power * 1.4142839839;
return (temp);
double operator()(footpound c) const
double temp = c.power * 0.0018174502681;
return (temp);
double operator()(tons_refrigeration c) const
double temp = c.power * 4.7142799464;
return (temp);
double operator()(horsepower_h2o c) const
double temp = c.power * 1.0000576408;
return (temp);
double operator()(horsepower c) const
double temp = c.power * 0.99959768097;
return (temp);
double operator()(horsepower_metric c) const
double temp = c.power * 0.98592325737;
return (temp);
/* */
/* Horsepower Metric Conversion */
/* */
class thorsepower_metric_variant : public boost::static_visitor<double>
double operator()(double c) const
return (c);
double operator()(horsepower_metric c) const
return (c.power);
double operator()(watt c) const
double temp = c.power * 0.0013596216173;
return (temp);
double operator()(calorie c) const
double temp = c.power * 0.0056924637873;
return (temp);
double operator()(erg c) const
double temp = c.power * 0.00000000013596216173;
return (temp);
double operator()(btu c) const
double temp = c.power * 1.4344767438;
return (temp);
double operator()(footpound c) const
double temp = c.power * 0.001843399326;
return (temp);
double operator()(tons_refrigeration c) const
double temp = c.power * 4.7815891461;
return (temp);
double operator()(horsepower_h2o c) const
double temp = c.power * 1.0143361902;
return (temp);
double operator()(horsepower_electric c) const
double temp = c.power * 1.0142777265;
return (temp);
double operator()(horsepower c) const
double temp = c.power * 1.0138696633;
return (temp);
/* */
/* Horsepower H2O Conversion */
/* */
class thorsepower_h2o_variant : public boost::static_visitor<double>
double operator()(double c) const
return (c);
double operator()(horsepower_h2o c) const
return (c.power);
double operator()(watt c) const
double temp = c.power * 0.0013404053118;
return (temp);
double operator()(calorie c) const
double temp = c.power * 0.0056120089593;
return (temp);
double operator()(erg c) const
double temp = c.power * 0.00000000013404053118;
return (temp);
double operator()(btu c) const
double temp = c.power * 1.4142024682;
return (temp);
double operator()(footpound c) const
double temp = c.power * 0.0018173455149;
return (temp);
double operator()(tons_refrigeration c) const
double temp = c.power * 4.7140082274;
return (temp);
double operator()(horsepower c) const
double temp = c.power * 0.99954006673;
return (temp);
double operator()(horsepower_electric c) const
double temp = c.power * 0.99994236257;
return (temp);
double operator()(horsepower_metric c) const
double temp = c.power * 0.98586643129;
return (temp);