Spider mite hell

That Texada is some hearty shit no bugs eating that one outside either and I had one on an infested plant and they still didn’t touch it.

Question. When you bombed the tent did you turn off exhaust fan ? If not what about the filter? Indoors ? I’m fighting these little bastards now in my clone and mom area and not seen them yet in tent with plants in flower indoors that vents outside. I’m wondering if after grow can I take my light out and take off filter and use the Drdoom bomb and it be ok.

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Pyrethrin barely controls mites, it’s just not as effective. It can actually make them breed faster.

Pyrethrin itself isn’t very powerful. I’ve used multiple bug bombs on a tiny apartment and it couldn’t even kill fleas. Rubbish, really.

Assume every plant is contaminated and move forward with something more useful on mites.

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I just did that and I still had some of the ones for gnats in my moms pots since they don’t die off after all the gnat larvae are gone.
It seems that the predator mites that eat spider mites die off after a few weeks if there are no spider mites.
Does anyone know of a predator mite that will stay alive and viable without spider mites around like the ones for fungus gnats??

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Yeah i turned everything off. And spray mite spray in the filter too youd be better off probably washing it too

H. Miles mites (perhaps the ones you used for fungus gnats) are an all around predator (with a specialty in fungus gnats and root aphids). They don’t like climbing up the plant too much but I’ve air dropped them on top of some plant with an infestation and they do their thing and start inviting the rest to climb up. When there’s no prey left, they feed on dead plant matter


wrap the pot in double pantyhose and tie it around the stalk to seal up any cracks. No bug can get into your roots or out. They are screwed ha ha ha


For the record, the method i used to kill mites and whiteflies seems to have worked. Nearly finished another flower cycle and still no sign at all of either pest. Feelsgoodman. The way i typed it sounds like a lot of work but it wasn’t, i think between the 2 doses of azadirachtin and miterid spray and yellow strips that seems to have killed them off for good :smiley:

The Dip killed all the spidermites haven’t had them since but the dirt gnat problem ……….I’m ready to pull out a blowtorch :fire: :skull_and_crossbones: :fire: :skull_and_crossbones:

Add some BT to your water, I like Monterey Garden best, like a teaspoon a gallon when you water. Your gnat problem will be gone for the rest of the grow after 10-14 days. I use my dirt for two grows, there are no gnats after that initial treatment for either grow.

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Indoors or out, about 1500 ladybugs a month for me.
co2 generating milkjugs at base of every plant, naturally attracts red gnat, a predator of all aphids and mites and there babies, when no co2, and no food they leave.

I’ve had success with this product that kills mites as well as eliminates powder mildew .
Safe to use right up till harvest not sure if it’s still available bought 2 jugs a few years back company’s based out of Michigan.
Not the cheapest product but works with 2 applications on most infestations one oz per gallon and I add a splash of safers soap when spraying for mites.
For mildew it changes the ph of the leaf to combat mildew.


I start with diatomaceous earth in soil, is that mentioned here?
And in Michigan we used that Monterey BT, worked great outdoors.


I cut back excessively on the plant, soak in neem and citrus oil bath style by flipping the plant and dunking into the bath. Then, each leaf is sprayed with 3/4 91% alcohol to 1/4 water. Wipe each leaf clean and with a shop towel or thick paper towel. Then spray neem oil like a mofo. I repeat this for a week.

I’ve seen it bad enough outdoors where I just chop and burn. Sulfur sprays I’ve left in for 8 hours, plant doesn’t like it much. But usually survives.


Another product that’s safe to use on budding plants is liquid ladybug killer . Used to use it till I bought the blue jugs above.

At place I worked I have used a sifter with 80% baking soda, 20% boric acid in it, air sifted over plant heavy, used puffer under leaves, then mist with cider vinegar/water, 2cups per gallon. Let foam 5 minutes and rinse. Have you ever heard of?

How is this stuff on dirt gnats?I dipped my plant and killed the spider-mites they never came back, but these dirt gnats are a lingering problem that I want culled before winter hits and my indoor gets fucked off.

To be honest I’m not sure label doesn’t mention gnats .

Grrrrr was worth a shot .looks like good shit though.

After the dust and settles and this train wreck is fixed and stable again I will put more of these on my moms. They survive long term after fungus gnats larvae are all dead just waiting for one to rear its pathetic head. They eat degrading plant matter left in soil or small trim of leafs from your plants. I used them last spring when I over watered a bit and the gnats came out. Have not seen one gnat since and using my microscope just last month could see a few predators tromping around on the top of the soil fat and happy. I actually scooped some off top in spoons to transplant to new small pots of new plants and it worked fine. Until I had the infested new cut sneak in with mites (my fault) like a Trojan horse. Not super expensive and as I mentioned so long as you dont drown them they seem to last without their primary food source of fungus larvae.