Stacked Mother Lode . 2022 . The Genesis

Microdosing Cannabis . Our cannabinoid (and other) receptors are also quantum energy receptors.

Every cannabis cultivar will open up a different array of receptors, allowing more quantum energy to stream through different colored lenses, steered by intent.

Information is felt rather than thought. Vast volumes of data come along with everything we feel, whether it is a physical sensation or emotions or quantum energy.
All are interlinked.

Decarboxylate (decarb) for 2 hrs and 22 minutes at 100 degrees Celsius.
Dosage varies according to cultivar and individual.
Eat half a teaspoon, maybe more, maybe less.

Decarbing for 2 hrs and 22 minutes at 100 C. balances the THC to CBN ratio.
Tests can be done, but I guess it would be close to a 1:1 ratio, or there abouts.

(Earlier I have recommended 3 hours but now that I have tried 2 hrs 22 mins on the Rogue 111 mother it feels like an improvement. If personal bias is benevolent and beneficial then go with it. Consciously use the placebo effect to your benefit, because that’s how we influence results, with intent.)

Start low, with 1/3rd of a teaspoon and do not operate heavy machinery for the next 12 hours if it is your first dose from that particular plant.

Effects not only differ from cultivar to cultivar, genetically, but also from plant to plant, even when grown in the same soil and environmental conditions with seeds from the same male and female parents.


The lights are now about 30-35 cm from the top colas and around 50-55 cm from the sprouts.

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"Be careful what you water your dreams with.

Water them with worry and fear and you will produce weeds
that choke the life from your dream.

Water them with optimism and solutions
and you will cultivate success.

Always be on the lookout for ways to turn a problem
into an opportunity for success.

Always be on the lookout for ways to nurture your dream."

- Lao Tzu


^ Rogue Zero mother, still going strong.

^ Mr. Nice NL5xAfghan pregnant with Nice Rogue.
Some of the seeds are already mature.
Has been expanding a lot sideways this week.
Seems like it’s building a solid base before shooting upwards.

^ Crème de la Chem (or a cross with it) in the separate 2 L pot.

Every day, on all of them, new light green growth that is dark green at the end of the light cycle!


Some better angles of the Mr. Nice NL5xAfghan.


Gonna stop topping so we can see their most natural expression.
A giant main cola is nicer to look at. :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:

Pretty good results for kitchenscraps…
Easy breezy.

Decreasing the light distance so drastically was a very good move.
This is all going way beyond my expectations!!!
Experimentation pays off folks!
When you’re persistent.
And take risks.


Some of Geoff Lawtons’ students won awards for best quality olive oil because they sowed a wide variety of covercrops in the olive tree grove.
They found a much higher amount of some important compound in the oil.

The others mostly tilled the soil.

Covercrops, so simple.
So many benefits…


Just got a 1lb bag of some red clover seed to try out. Gonna cover crop every pot in the house!


What will the red clover do for your indoor plants?


Fix nitrogen from the air into the soil.
Provides mulch, which slows down evaporation, and feeds the microbes and fungi.
Along with providing a distraction for insects that might otherwise munch on the cannabis.
Also further improves drainage.
It also looks nice. :smiley:


I’m gonna post pics later of “when cover cropping goes wrong”!
I had a single borage plant growing in a 3 gallons pot, but it didn’t come up until after my Fog Dog was transplanted in.
Long story short: with zero nitrogen amendments, she has gotten a heavy N toxicity from what the borage was fixing!
@Gpaw tried to warn me…


It’s best to have a variety of covercrops rather than mono cover cropping. :+1:

Variety, very important in every aspect of life.

Doesn’t matter how small or big your pot is.


Now you tell me…:stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye::bear:
Switching to a big raised bed, so there will be plenty of variety in there!


And don’t use only nitrogen fixers either, select half the covercrops to be non-nitrogen fixers.
Plant some covercrops you can eat too, and flowers, some nonsense to grow just for fun!

“A little nonsense now and then is cherished by the wisest men.”

⏤ Roald Dahl


To be fair, I also planted chamomile and basil as companions, but they never came up


I can only read that in Gene Wilders sing song voice


Never say never. :wink:
They in there, biding their time.
Just keep throwing seeds at it, something will happen eventually.

Just about every plant gives birth to a large number of seeds, same with sperm, nature doesn’t limit itself, abundance is the standard modi operandi.
How glorious!


I’m going to hit my bed HARD with the cover when I’m done chopping.


I just mulched an entire garden bed with the crop residues from last season!


I mean, just look at the stars… I don’t see any end to it all.
We’re right in the middle of it, look at humanity, still expanding!
And as we grow older, there’s no end to learning either.


Very Advanced Super Power Totally The Best As Fuck Nutrients ®™

Today’s topdressing.

I wouldn’t mind a date palm or grape vine popping up. :sun_with_face: :palm_tree: :sunglasses:

Please, keep your money.