Stiffed on "Giveaways"...My Experiences so far

i don’t think it’s weird, i am close to the same way of thinking myself. of course that doesn’t mean it isn’t weird, just that it isn’t to me.

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I don’t think you’re weird at all :slight_smile:

What is weird, to me, is why would someone host a giveaway if they have no intention of following through with it? That seems weird.

I don’t have a dog in the fight, I’m just trying to see it through other’s perspectives.


Indeed. Very much so.


No worries at all @blowdout2269

Sorry to hear @LedZeppelin if you ever need/want some beans I’ve made, I’m just a PM away


Two things I would like to add are that some of the giveaways I’ve seen on here have been 100+ people. I could definitely see a few falling through the cracks. That seems like a ton of work, both mentally and physically.

Also, If I were sent seeds from another country and they didn’t make it, I would not expect the gifter to resend. That risk is on me. Just my opinion.


Ok friend. The offer stands though. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


You’re right. I was a dick for ghosting @LedZeppelin . It wasn’t my intention but it happened and I’m sorry.

But I didn’t say they deserved to get stiffed for outing me. Maybe I was a bit crude and my point not well made but I was trying to say, “Do you think getting stiffed 10 times is karma for things you have done to others?”

I don’t know if karma really works like that and I don’t think @LedZeppelin did anything to deserve it. But if you’re gonna imply I will be punished by karma for my misdeeds then why can’t I assume this is punishment for your misdeeds to others?

I would like to extend an olive branch to @LedZeppelin and try to resolve this amicably but I think I’m blocked. At least tell me to fuck off so I know you see this.


I have a list such that @LedZeppelin

But I am in the thinking that all we are responsible adults, so I blame postal services, except in some case that people retracted the giving by PM.
As I am overseas, I usually think that things get lost in some place.
For some time I was suspicious of my postal worker, but after one day reached a card WITHOUT the street address ( only Name, city and country was on the card), then I’m done suspecting him.

What makes me think that as addresses from different countrys are written differently, some people can have a mistake and write it incorrectly, so never arrives. I have people tell me that the " º " in my address is strange to them, as the " Ñ ". That is why when I send, I always say people to give me the full direction as for fools, without abbreviations. For example, the Postal code, here is only numbers and written before the city, and for the addresses I have from CAN an US, it is written at the end. And in the case of CAN it uses letters also.

After that, you must think that most people here are stoned sometimes :rofl: , and well, bad written addresses, forgotten cards, etc…


To give some insight into members that send lots: I recieve a “hey the seeds showed, thanks!” PM for only 50% of the seed I send out. I send out lots and don’t have the time or inkling to send a follow up PM to make sure they landed safely . If I don’t get a message otherwise, I assume the where recieved. Now if you’ve messaged all the senders that “stiffed” you and they are still not making good, that is a concern.


this. im pretty sure i have recieved everything and gave everything i have been involved in. must be quite the bad luck for op. hopefully things get sorted

edit now that i remember i have maybe not gotten 3 mailings but they said were sent and were just offered so i never pressed the issue. if someone says they sent it and i didnt get it im not gonna get to upset


I send a reasonable number of seeds and once they’re in the mail they leave my brain. When someone thanks me it’s a happy reminder.

Similarly with when I receive I try to remember to say thanks but if it doesn’t happen right away and I get distracted…

Ghosting though, not cool.


Putting your all into sending free seeds by the dozens and being rushed or called out by the one person you forget is very discouraging. Has happened to me multiple times.




I have sent out thousands of seeds. I have only been thanked about three times.
So, I have no idea if the beans made it or not.
As far as I know, I have honored every single seed I promised to send, so I don’t think I’m on LZs list
On another note. If seeds are to be GIVEN, why complain if they don’t make it? Didn’t cost you anything. No harm, no foul.
If it was a TRADE, and you sent yours but did not receive, I can understand griping.
Bottom line, if someone says here’s some free seeds, and I don’t receive them, how have I been harmed? No one died.


What do you do or think _ it’s bad that stuff get “lost” - many folks really look forward to get seeds from members/contest, ect - myself included But nothing is perfect . It all comes down to TRUST _ this kind of “shit” need to stop and respect each other and keep our word - Never knew this type of stuff happens therefore a list NEEDS to be created to indicate members that don’t keep their word. Peace !!! ---------- maybe the title of post is “Don’t trust this member” ??? or ???


A wall of shame is probably a bad idea.


Agree on it being a bad idea for a thread/post. Dont know about others life situations although would like to trust. Ive had a couple wins go unreceived too, even with follow up (I felt like such a total ass for even reminding). I chalk it up to bad postal service or life happening. If I were missed twice by the same member or totally dissed in follow up I might want to say something, but would expect the same from anyone. If i had traded or paid and not received that would be different.


Dang You forgot Stiggy again LOL
You are a Good Man , Of course I joke about any seeds .


Secret lists have caused many a government to crumble.

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This post is about what has happen to me. Let me clear up a couple of things here. I never asked anyone to resend anything. When I messaged #2 & 3 they did reply that prize was sent and that was the end of it. I was just surprised that a well liked active member wouldn’t atleast say “sorry, can I make it right to you?” as this is something I would do for my fellow OGer. I read a great deal of posts and when I see a certain member do alot of butt kissing it makes me wonder :thinking:

#4-5-6 never sent, flat out, so these were not lost in the mail system. This was a case of " I changed my mind" but it was after the fact which is a very lame thing to do.

#7-8-9-10 I didn’t win something from them, they offered to me. I sent two messages asking “are you still sending?” they ghosted. Some very good hearted folks sent way more to my friend then they originally said, so it makes up for the stiffs and then some.

I am not “out” anything, these were not trades, {which I love to do}.

You all have a wonderful day!
