Oh that genomics paper
Sadly not really any auto/ruderalis tested but a large portion of other genetics were tested here.
I can’t export either visualization as they’re literally too big for acrobat to export as a photo
So I recommend everyone go look at them yourselves as each line has a strain name attached to it.
Here’s the first visualization:
KaneGBS_WGS3_02102015_str_clades.pdf (3.7 MB)
Narrow Leaf Drug Type is Blue (~70%)
Broad Leaf Drug Type is Green
SE Asian NLDT-II refers to Dr. Grinspoon and Somali Taxi Cab samples and are genetically distinct from the other narrow leaf drug type.
Broad leaflet hemp points to a Chinese hemp sample
Almost ALL the OG and Kush lines are considered broad leaf drug type, along with most cookies and chems.
The supplement to the first visualization here, you already linked in your post, Titled ‘SE Asian Narrow leaflet drug-type II’ but here’s the crappy screenshot. Also too big to export so I recommend everyone follow the link, the sm2609 one.
This one lists Neville’s Haze, NL5Haze Mist, Super Silver Haze, Dr Grinspoon, Arjan’s Ultra Haze, etc as being from SE Asian lineage! Anyone remember talk of at least one of the haze lines actually being a thai line and not from sam?
The other takeaways I found in that paper:
Hemp and broad leaf are the most different.
Narrow and Broad are the most alike.
Hemp and Narrow are closer related than broad leaf is to hemp.
Different cannabinoid and terpene breakdown’s per the 3 types
We found NLDTs to contain significantly more b-myrcene and a-terpinolene than BLDTs, although interestingly the two hemp varieties for which we analyzed chemical data had significantly more b-myrcene than either drug-type groups (Figure 6c). Similarly, Hillig (2004) found NLDTs to yield
significantly more b-myrcene than Afghani BLDTs, yet European hemp and un-cultivated accessions labeled as C. ruderalis contained the highest levels. Hillig also reported that Afghani BLDTs contained the highest levels of guaiol and eudesmol isomers, which we did not measure, although we found BLDTs contained more linalool than NLDTs or hemp.
Edit: I feel like we should split these papers off to their own post Tho I suppose there is some medical knowledge to be found here…