Testing for vitamin and mineral deficiencies (Canada)

Where does one go to get tested for levels of vitamins and minerals? What do you ask for? If you know the proper names for these tests, and any other useful information, could you please share it.

I’ve seen and heard countless people (online) talking about they went and got (blood, I assume) tests done that report their levels of, for ex.: vitamin b12, magnesium, calcium, vitamin k, etc.
The last doctor I had was so ignorant, and also borderline criminal in their actions (definitely negligent).
I’m pretty sure this a relatively “basic” set of tests… No?

Thank you.


I don’t know exactly atm. I’ll have to look back at medical records. But…
I wanna say that it was the full panel work up that they did on me to check for osteoporosis when I had a weird back injury.
It showed a lot of those things.
They told me I was low on Vitamin D. I said yeah, no shit. I’ve been trapped in my house for three weeks moving from floor, to chair, to couch! Lol.


I am highly interested in this topic…
I just recently asked my doctor about vitamin deficiencies and how to find out etc.
I was told that in BC Canada that you have to pay individually for each vitamin test as it wasn’t covered under msp or whatever it’s called.


I dunno
But Walmart sells gummy sugar coated
I chew 2 a day

A differnt doctor then the one you went to.

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Hey it should be called nutrient testing and be done through blood work and sometimes urine. A quick search pulls up some general info. There are specific labs that offer services but it also says most doctors can order the same test. They should interpret them with you if they’re worth their salt. If not, let me know. I’m no doctor but my bachelor’s is in Nutrition and Dietetics and I have done nutrition counseling in a past life. If you have questions or anything feel free to reach out. Goodluck :purple_heart:

I’m in the states, btw.


A fee/dollar amount for each individual vitamin? Ie: a test for b1, b2, b3, would be three separate fees?

I want to know about all the vitamins, and minerals.

Thanks very much.
My initial online search for “vitamin and mineral deficiency testing” yesterday came up with this one so far: https://nutrifitcanada.ca/calgary-nutritionist-services/nutrition-bio-analysis-canada/
I duno how much this would cost. I wrote them yesterday but haven’t heard back yet.
(I have no doc. now, nor for years. There are none here at the moment.) I know of a nutritionist locally that I might ask.

Thanks again.

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Yes. A, B, C, D etc were all separate tests and fees.

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When your eyes stopped rolling, did you happen to ask how much each?
I’ve contacted another place, and I’ll share whatever details I learn.

Edit: Another potential location: https://www.nphealthclinic.ca/vitamins-and-minerals-testing

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I think it was $60 each.

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So this is not happening, for me. The gov. makes sure to restrict clinics from helping out of province. Third world.

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