The Central American landrace and heirloom thread (Part 2)

These are clones of the three fine-ass ladies I just harvested.

Up-potted them into the same soil their moms used and amended heavily.

I’m bringing them inside at night and taking them out during the day until they get established.


so the hard ridden clone went straight hermie!

since is wk11 of flower is this useable for hash or infused oil?


Damn man, that sucks.


Definitely should make excellent hash.


Damn eleven weeks, I hope you get something for your time.


What a bummer. Wonder why?
No chance of putting it outside for a week or even two? If you get rid of the bananas every day you shouldn’t end up with many seeds at all, And the seeds you do have will be very small and immature, not far enough along to pop when hit with a flame.
It looks like it’s smokable now. Early, but still good. If it were me and circumstances allowed, I would do anything.I had to, to keep it two more weeks but I’m a strange character😁. If you decide to harvest, put it in the dark for 3 days first, while its still alive. Then yank the whole plant, roots and all and slow dry it. She’ll mature a little more. I had to yank a similar Oaxaca plant due to mites last winter. It was still pretty good, but lacking flavor.


No I found nanners and full blown nuts as well. So 3 days dark then cut the he/she :rofl:


Here’s the Oaxacan Pearl Stem Bx1 I put out the beginning of February. I thought she died and haven’t given her anything but the snow that fell in that time.

Technically, she’s still alive. I watered her well yesterday. If she lives, she’s got until July to get big.


I did some inventory today. I thought I had killed my male Oaxacan Pearl Stem Bx1 clones to save space. You know, during the those times that you have to make the really hard choices.

As it turns out, I didn’t. I have at least one and probably two males that weren’t culled for some reason. So I planted all of them with the Mother Who Didn’t Die (MWDD) :crazy_face: and chopped off her dead branches. If you zoom in, you can see that she’s trying to come back. What a badass!

The Red Snake don’t have males, and will be south of the Pearl Stems, against prevailing wind, to reduce inadvertent pollination. I’m sure there will still be some, but I’ll be concentrating more on the Pearl Stem this summer simply because I have males. After pollination I’ll pop a couple Red Snake seeds and pollinate some cuttings to make seeds over the winter. Then I’ll have a lifetime of seeds for pheno hunting. :bangbang: Anyway, they’re still adjusting to outdoors and I’ll be bringing them inside at night for the next couple of weeks.

This is a cutting of the MWDD.

I’ll be planting some autos too, courtesy of @joheimgrohen :pray: Scoutcicle. And some other autos I’m working on and curious about. But Oaxacans are my important ones this year. I’ve never had a good harvest growing outdoors because of the cool summer nights. But this time is going to be different! :trophy:


@YoBigdaddy ,s Nanan Bouclou

8 weeks in flower…out in the sun…getting direct rays.
Stopped stretching and didn’t stretch too much …didn’t even double…but I did nip and tuck…and she has gone sideways as well.

Now anyone know the flowering time for these?
I thought maybe 12-14 weeks, looks like be less than that.

Great strong plants…other chicas. who loves the mountain.



I sympathize…I know the feeling.

Join the nanner club.LOL…it’s a bummer that, especially when it’s late in harvest.

We move on.



Awesome! Great choice. You won’t regret it. Tough plants indeed. I tend to my cuttings once every couple weeks or so lol. Usually I water them when they are starting to die😁. Soon it will be time to take care of them properly.
MWDD…:rofl::sweat_smile::rofl:. I like that.


punto rojo gold pheno


Punto rojo , pheno rojo

This red pheno smells like Coca-Cola. She had heard this but had never smelled it.


Beautiful plants @Arbac! Thank you for sharing the pictures! Many blessings and much love


gorgeous line! wish i could scatch n sniff those pics!!! definitely one of the GOAT lines for me right now, but ask me again in 10 years

how do you distinguish between red/gold phenos? is gold moar skinny leaves and wispier flower, lnger flowering characteristics?


I crossed them with a gold male and a red male.

@username my Bro, I am reproducing these plants, so I will send you some seeds when they are ready. These phenomena are typical of the PuntoRojo CBG line, they have been released since the first edition of PuntoRojo CBG. I read and saw these phenomena in follow-ups from various forums on icmag. In fact he was quite scared because the seeds were f3 or more like P3, so he thought that hopefully the selections were well directed. I had 10 plants, two gold phenotypes, four phenotypes in different degrees of network. four plants that I did not find as typical as the six selected, so I left them out of the selection. whether they were segregations, deriba or contaminations. I preferred to work with selection rather than open repro. They had offered me two other lots of cannabiogen Puntorrojo seeds, to improve the genetic pool, but it seems that those guys regretted it. I hope someone who has their CBG red dot seeds in the refrigerator decides to support this repro, sending some semis. It would be great to combine this repro with another one and another one. I have heard several people on the forum say that they have p1, p2 and p3 of this line in the freezer.

another red pheno more advanced in flora. It is easy to differentiate the red pheno, it has magenta stems and/or petioles, the leaves are a little wider than that of the gold pheno, it is more closed on the edges. The pheno gold has green stems with very thin and long leaves and the flowers become a little faded at the end of flowering.
Red phenos smell spicy, complex. only one of them smells like coke


Arbac, those are beautiful! I love the thin leaves. Best of luck with your grow. Hope you have lots of seeds.


I’m right around day 60 with these Pearl Stem Bx1 Oaxacans and noticed I’m doing a seed repro. I don’t remember doing a seed repro. But damned if they aren’t just covered with seeds.

So I started looking at the seediest individual, and found a deflated flower about halfway down. Then I cut it and started looking at another one. I had just smoked a bowl and forgot I chopped it, so I chopped another one. I was soooo relieved to find male flowers on that one too.

Anyhoo, they’re really tarry and greasy, so I’ll give them the old smoke test even though it’s too early.

And then there were two.

Edit: Who was saying only one plant per pot? :joy::joy::joy::joy:


Coca Cola? Wow! I’ll bet that particular terpene combo has useful medicinal benefits.