The Junkyard awaits

So the wife has flexed her executive muscle and the MAC 1 X Grape stomper got bumped into the next popping sessionwill keep you updated


I’ll take the grandiguava and duck tape if nobody picks those too sir. Can’t wait to pop the Fatso and GMO cookies you don’t know how excited I am to Bless my garden with these 2 strains/ Gems!:100::pray:t2:. Possibly 4 if nobody else picks the other 2 I don’t want to take anybody’s spot that hasn’t got to pick something yet not greedy and feel completely blessed you let me get in on on there Fatso and GMO cookies Sir. You have as Blessed Weekend Brother :100::love_you_gesture:t2: Thank You and God Bless You and Your Family :100::pray:t2:

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I Do Greatly Appreciate You Sir and I want you to know how Much I Appreciate the opportunity to run these gems for you and give a detailed report! :pray:t2::100:


If you ever entertain the Virtual Classes let me know. :call_me_hand:

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The Mac1 x Grape stomper og are in a paper towel. Let the grow gods bless them.:pray:


If my candidacy suits you, I can run Fatso, Duct Tape, Kush Mints. I have two Kush Mints F2 (Seed Junky) phenotypes. It will be interesting to compare

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Little late update but Getting the beans soaking today! Had to go get some starter soil thought I had a bag but was out will be posting regular updates once I get them above soil and kicking stoked to see what everyone finds :grin: much love and happy growing all


Checked on the mac1 x grape stomper og. We have a couple tails, tonight after work ill check again. So far so good.:peace_symbol:


Package received…I’m gonna be about 3 weeks as I need to rotate some current things around(up potting, flipping and harvesting) but I’ll be here :smiling_imp:


Damnit I got about 3 solo cups worth of starter soil thanks for that reminder wish I ordered it last night with the living soil :man_facepalming:

Couple Mac1 x Grape stomper og above ground.


So sadly not looking good for the germ rates on the nyc piff x gsog

put 6 after scuffing on paper towel had 7/7of the sour d bx popped tap roots after 72 hours all by now germed at same time as the nyc piff x gsog but not one tail yet still have 5 beans left getting them soaking rn
Hoping for the best :crossed_fingers: @SCJedi


Well, crap. I will test some here too. Fingers crossed they are just too green and will sned more if they improve. Thank you and sorry for getting your hopes high!


@Greenfingers how were the germ rates on the MAC1?

Following along on this to see what happens. I wouldn’t be able to guarantee how quick I’d grow any of these as I’m working through some of my collection.

Good luck to everyone testing, hopefully you all find some winners.

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So far im 3 for 6 but I wouldn’t give up yet. The third one just broke the surface and still needs to shed the shell. More to come.:peace_symbol:


Beans arrived today, I will be getting these in motion over the next few weeks when I get some organizing and re arranging done. Can’t wait to see what these bad boys hold!


I just dropped about a dozen of the Piff cross into a shot glass with 50/50 water/H2O2 and will report back!


There may be some hope for life checked today after 4 days of no signs of life and got a tap root on one of the 6 initial germinated planting it and hoping I can get it above soil going to baby it :joy:hoping for more from the remaining seeds just started last night @SCJedi


Like I said, they’re green seeds. I crumbled the plants and noticed a small amount were already germinating on the plants which indicates too much moisture on board. These really may need a few weeks to finish hardening.

No worries as I can send more for you to try with later but we may find the folks with these beans pushed out a few weeks have better germ rates. Fingers crossed and I appreciate your patience for the hassles!