Tonygreens RIL Group Buy Grow Show (Closed)

Damn that’s be great. Must be some crazy overtime if he have time to log into og but not make a post about the 10 thousand dollars of seeds he has of ours. I have lost all faith but I am still hopeful. I’m worried it’s been so long and so many posts that he just says fuck it. Not likes he’s invested in og anymore. Doesn’t even come here. Lot of work for him for no gain.


Yeah and all that stress compounds with negativity. In sure tony green will never have another group buy.


Lol. Why not? He got like 10 large with 100 percent pre-sale and didnt have to even package up the seeds. Easy money.

And then a bunch of these ppl who paid him. Will want the seeds so they will go pay him again at an inflated rate. So in sense that 10 large is actually significantly more and he also. generated sales through out all of this.


I’m NOT invested I this group buy at all, however seems like June 5th he stopped in to read?

Ps. If I was invested here, YIP I’d be FU@#$ING PISSED. at the end of the day, money is money & as long you didn’t wake up Dead, I guess it’s a good day. I feel for you all during this uncertainty.

I’ve personally been the “backend” of group activities (Instg8ter sign up) I wasn’t in charge of any money’s, but I helped organize everything and NOW, Instg8ter has vanished, no idea if he’s alive & well? Or even if anyone received anything at all. But I still feel shitty for being a part of it.

I’ve also ran a few giveaways myself with a load of people getting beans and yup its very time consuming stuff… BUT

Point is, IF Hugh_glass was actually working on this thing, he’d definitely post about it. Otherwise I really think he’s in hiding, In jail, maybe even dead? I don’t know. Does anybody have a pulse for his activities online?


Yup stopped in to read and couldn’t even take a minute to post. Still alive. Still working, which in turn would stop all the worrying. Legit. One minute would end all of this stress


Until someone has sat down to sort and put together pack of seeds like this, they have no idea. Sure doing a few here and there, splitting packs for trades and giving away some seems simple. But x5 or more and it takes a while. Throw that on top of full time job and family, sometimes it’s hard to put aside even an hour a day to do something that’s not part of your daily tasks.


It’s a shit ton of work. More than I’d want to take on. I just don’t see why he can’t log in at least once a month to tell us he’s still around. That’s the whole part that bugs me. We all are understanding. But I don’t understand the lack of communication.


Then why in the fuck aint on here saying what’s up?
There’s been enough chatter about it, I’m sure he would’ve seen everybodys edginess.


I dont know


This right here!
We all need @Hugh_Glass to say something.
Maybe admin can get together and figure out how to address this?

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Admins won’t do anything about this. That’s a guarantee, nothing they can even do


Bunch of entitled brats whining over 50 USD. If your whole life is going to crumble from losing 50 or 100 bucks maybe don’t buy seeds. This isn’t the first time or the last time things can and do go wrong. Shit happens. It sucks. It’s not the end of the world though.


Not that anything can be done to replace seeds or money. But if this whole thing is what I think it is, I’d pay some money for that address :man_shrugging:t2:

What I’d ask of a moderator or anyone else is to put together a timeline of everything so we all know what’s up and figure out how to move forward

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You’re. Back on ignore you go.

Good keep me their you entiltled Brat. Stfu

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You’re entitled to your opinion. But You obviously don’t have anything invested in this. Some people used 50$ they didn’t have to get a chance at quality worked genetics.
Correct, this has happened before and will continue to happen but to some, this is the first time.


His post is inflammatory and unappreciated, but he did pick up one pack.

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I was part of this too lol. 50 dollars is not the end of the world. Especially considering there’s still no info and it hasn’t been THAT long. Maybe don’t use 50 you don’t have to buy seeds and you won’t have an aneurysm when shit goes wrong. This is the same thing that happened with the seed run that never worked out. People some people lost their mind. Shit happens. It sucks. Move on.


I stand corrected. Still, let people grieve :joy:

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The irony…