Tonygreens RIL Group Buy Grow Show (Closed)

Only ironic part is how you feel so high an mighty to come and shit on ppl. Name should be negative. That’s all your posts I’ve seen.

And I thought you were putting me back on ignore. Weird how you are still talking to me.

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There’s something like 155 individuals that have taken part. That’s a significant logistical challenge and quite a bit larger than the BOG effort. Imagine the time to organize, repackage, postage and packaging costs, … and to be accurate about it. Not for the faint of heart especially with work, family, and what not.

@Hugh_Glass , from what I recall you’re on the East coast or thereabouts. If you need some assistance getting movement on this, please reach out to me. I can offer to assist.


50/100 aint squat to me.
But getting taken is


Just saying…It is possible that someone using his computer (or phone) logged on to his account. - doesn’t mean it was him personally.


100 %

Deffinetly possible.


Look it’s like this that was 8250.on the slim side.
People have been shot and stuffed in a whole for alot less.
For Some people to be taking this lightly is totally bullshit.


Yo, Bro…HOWDY!!! Check your PM’s. SS/BW…mister :honeybee: :100: :pray: :heart_eyes:


Yes, it is the actual historical character played by Leo DiCaprio in The Revenant from a couple years ago.


Just doesn’t seem logical to me for him to buy ALL those seeds, refund others cause they were late with paying etc…!?!
I believe he ‘might be’ slowly doing a few per day ( making up a few peeps’ packs per day.), and if he’s struggling then there’s always some help being offered…!?!

I’m hopeful that we still might get these seeds, fk knows when but maybe … I’ll move on, and hope for the best …!



Yes, this is now the crucial point on which everyone here can agree, I think.

We need an update - even if the seeds are somehow compromised (I’m not suggesting that they are), just closing the book on this would be welcomed.


Whiny and entitled? Yes, paying the asking price for a commodity entitles the buyer to the thing purchased - that is pretty basic.

And also yes, things do happen, and at some point we might need to move on without the product we are rightly entitled to. Some here are truly destitute, and this charge of “whiny” trivializes the fact that these beans could form the foundation for years of growing medicine.


The price we got was 1/3 of cost that it is in the seed shop or something like that. At this point everything is still speculation and some people are already up in arms about it when there is basically zero info still. The exact same thing happened with one of the seed runs fairly recently. For the most part here for every pack you might miss out on you get 10 more for free. We still don’t even know if anything happened or if the seeds are really lost at this point anyways it’s just being assumed. It could be but I don’t think you should be jumping the gun just yet. It’s been a fucked up past year+ and as far as I know nobody gets paid for volunteering their time.


Then why don’t he quit being embarrassed if that’s the case and come on here for a lousy 30seconds and say something, anything.


Then he shouldn’t of took the job if he couldn’t get it done in a timely fashion.
Shouldve thought before he took the job.


No not heard anything about it yet.


You are correct, it is easy for me to say. The fact is that negativity feeds negativity and I was just trying to get people to keep this in perspective and land their plane. The only thing being accomplished by constantly hitting this thread with conjecture is people feeling worse. I was just trying to offer a kind word and even some seeds if it would make someone feel better. I can’t say what exactly has happened, only Hugh_Glass can and until he surfaces there is nothing being accomplished here. In the end I just want the people of OG to be happy, have a great day all.


Didn’t think so. Appreciate you letting us know that he doesn’t have any of the canadian addresses. I was wondering if he had reached out to get them.


Did you see the post inmy Canadian seed users thread about the cheap farm in NS

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Anyone stop to think he may be recovering from fighting a grizzly bear?


Does Hugh do Grizzly Bear fighting like in the octagon ring :thinking: