TopShelfs trees (Part 1)

I’m going for better end product this outdoor.


Was that outdoor bubble gum your last outdoor grow?


That is funny shit dude I always felt the same way.
I think it does make your skin oily.

Look out world @ColeLennon has taken the first step off the porch and is now running with the big dogs.
Bold move brother I like it. :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


For me I just top dress in soil like @JoeCrowe said.
And really I just toss some on, depending on the pot size I use a little more or a little less.
But I like to water mine in right away with a weak nute solution.
Not real weak, just not strong.

I would guess I use about 1 teaspoon per gallon of soil.
If you want to get real specific you can use a PPM meter to hit around 300 ppm using the 0.5 scale.
Feed this to runoff as this will help wash salt build up out and away from the roots and reset the CEC.

I would start off lower maybe half of that amount to test the effects with your current feed and see how things go.


I never took it, still desperately want to though :+1:
Probably best I didn’t try as a teen lol


@shag I bet slownickel has the answers to all these questions regarding gypsum. I’d like to try his products, but I’m pretty comfortable at the moment. A little leary of any big changes.


Thanks, I will start with 1/2 teaspoon to start and see how it goes.


Good call. :star_struck:
Especially when you are doing so well with so many different strains/cultivars.
That is not always easy.
I was looking at the Cal/Phos product I forget the name.
I think I have found recently that LED lights may require more P than usual.
We can all use more calcium so that is a bonus.

I was dumping mag on my plants via foliar with little results.
So I figure it must be something else.
If I am right that is where the color comes from.
I am assuming as much but I see the signs, that and I have high K in my reused soil right now.

So maybe it is more of a P-K imbalance thing going on.
Either way the answer is probably just a bit more P.
Dunno I will have to try to know for sure.
And yes I wish Slo would come hang out with us. :hugs:


Not a chance he’d come over here, he’d be booted in a day, lol I love the guy, been chatting for 4/5 years now but he knows his stuff and can go off on a mofo pretty easy lol. But if I haven’t learned a ton from him, actually been using the callous method a lot lately, and will eventually incorporate it into EVERY MOM, CUT ETC.


Hey yall, these are 1/2gal nursery bags, just put germed seeds in soil. Are these big ziplocks a problem for like air exchange since they go all the way to the ground? Or am I good to go.


You could cut a couple small slices in the bags. Insure you have air exchange and keep your humidity up.


Good to go.


God I miss good acid. Also, the time to do good acid (kids, what can you do).

Definitely did a whole mess of it in the 90s. Was too chickenshit to get into dealing it seriously (probably smart I was living with 12 people at the time).

Back when I was doing it a lot I was reminded of something from the Mumonkan, there’s one about someone asking what you should do after you reach enlightenment or something… and the response is “After you eat your rice, wash your bowl”


@yardgrazer In the early 2000’s i lived in 3 major cities, asked everywhere & could not ever find it. And $ was no object, sooo i guess i was just the unluckiest 20 year old ever. Always every other drug available just not acid. Too bad I wasn’t around for the Dead Tour, my buddies who dealt told me about a thumb print, or was it palm print? Apparently in order to get ‘dealer rights’ on tour they had to lick their thumb & place it on a pure crystal. No one else had access to the source, unless they printed.

That real or were my buddies full of it?


Idk, that sounds crazy but who knows tbh, I think you just were unlucky I remember acid still being abundant in the 2000’s out here, tons of it, everywhere. But I had my bad trip around 18 so I was already done with it. I’m sure it can be easily obtained still .


Good morning :wave:t2:


There was definitely lots around back in early 2000’s. It’s still readily accessible but it’s wayyyy stronger than I remembered. Me and the boys would have some and adventure around having a good time.
Me and one of those boys decided to try it about 10 years ago expecting a good time like before but it was too strong and we couldn’t leave the kitchen table lol.
Not sure if it’s made stronger like everything else now days or our bodies don’t handle things the same as when we’re younger but boy oh boy that was enough for me to stray away and leave those fun missions from the past in the past.


Haha see that’s what I’m afraid of as well, especially after experiencing the scariest 12-16 hrs in memory in my late teens, man! Always think it won’t be you, was windowpane, liquid on a sugar cube…. Boy that sucked!


Kermit the frog blotter was pretty good orange barrel were better.


Never had those, had window pane (.liquid) yellow sunshine, blue dolphins, the little micro dots etc. only did it about 8 times before I had a bad trip but used to have a bit in the stash in case anyone was in need for years :wink: