Traders reputation thread - intentions?

Follow-up on discussion from:

I am confused about this thread. @gordongecko, you are the OP and you opened the topic with the following remark:

Which is clearly asking to know who is safe to send seeds to. Yet the very next post (the 2nd post) is also yours, @gordongecko, and it seems you are mentioning a user that sent you seeds. From that point on, every post it is all about people that have sent seeds to them. Not ONE mention of people that are, “safe to send seeds etc. without fraud or loss”.

@gordongecko, what IS the intent of this topic?

All anybody needs to do is read a few of my posts and you’ll see I very much believe in giving credit to the generous souls here, so I am not complaining about that, at all. I looked here before I sent out any seeds to find 0 (zero) help in deciding to who it is safe to send to, and that is the information I expected to find here. I just sent to everyone that asked, including a couple that had 0 (zero) pips at the time. It worked out well, so far 22 out of 30 recipients have rec’d their seeds, with only a couple of problems from the various post offices in between.

That said, I’d like to at the very least see this thread ALSO contain the information asked for it the original post.

Just my 2 cents worth…

Edit: Continued on the next post…


Has anyone found an OG member that we shouldn’t send seeds to?

(I haven’t.)
Wondering if the main post needs changed.


I for one is very grateful for the beans you sent me, they have found a good home with me. One of your purps is already in the dirt and once my new solstip light gets here it will be documented in a journal. I do agree that trusted people that at least message you back on receipt of the seeds could be listed here. Like other sites we get seeds “whores” that hit and run once they have received “gifts” from our generous members. Maybe it would be better to start a thread with members names that “cant” be trusted??
Myself I’d never accept seeds at the cost of the breeder so I’ll ALWAYS pay any postage that is needed to get them to me.


I’m actually okay giving these people seeds.
I’ve been the person who didn’t have anything to give and felt guilty about getting stuff, which led to social anxiety about the whole thing. The guilt caused me to vow to myself to repay the debt as I could.
Since then I’ve repayed that debt 10 fold, but that took years to do.

Guilt can be a cruel motivator. It can lead to a person feeling like there is a crushing weight on them which is only relieved by removing yourself from the situation.

The best approach I’ve seen to counteract this effect is to express to a person that their time invested socially into the community IS the repayment and that if they can make & give away seeds in the future that would be helpful, but not required.

Ps. Sometimes “greed” is actually poverty.


Oh, one other thing I forgot:

@ReikoX and @Scissor-Hanz have all sent me the same seeds 2x. I had use a “safe name” to mail to and it turned out it wasn’t so safe because I never received them, even though the USPS tracking said one of them was delivered to my mailbox.

And @MadScientist re-sent me seeds that hadn’t been received in 2 months. Those seeds did eventually make it here after 10 weeks. Now I am wondering when the 2nd mailing will get here. :laughing:

These three gentlemen went way above and beyond for me and I really appreciate it.

Now my list is complete.

I am glad to have been finally able to send seeds to others. It seemed like a year waiting for those Durban seeds to be ready to send. I even started the giveaway before collecting them all. People have been good to me here and it feels good to pay it forward.

Yes, you did pay the shipping even though I told you it wasn’t necessary. That was very thoughtful of you and deserves a mention of its own here.

I don’t understand that. I know it happens, but I just don’t understand why. Stay and be friendly with those that have been generous to you, don’t spit in their faces. Someone doing that may get a few seeds here and there, but being a member of this community in good standing ensures it doesn’t end there.

I’m not here just for the seeds. I was here over a year, lurking and eventually joining in as well as starting threads. It never occurred to me that people would give seeds away so I didn’t even look for giveaways. Then one day @Jellypowered offered me seeds and told me about the occasional giveaway. That was when I started to have a good selection of seeds. Jelly wasn’t the only one to have offered me seeds out of the blue. @ReikoX offered me seeds out in the open which I gratefully accepted, his LR x LD and @Barefrog also offered, but over a PM. Same with @Gaz29.

I have purchased 8 seed types, I had 2 to start, and I currently have 40 different kinds of seeds. 30 kinds of seeds have come from the generosity of the OG brotherhood. Why would anyone just be in it for a quick hit and run? The community is the best reason to be here, with or without seeds.



A lot of people do our hobby for profit. Soil is free. Water is free. We can compost for free for nutrients. The best profit a dealer can gain is everything gained is at no cost to them. It’s greed my friend and our society is littered with it :+1:


I agree to most of what you said. I’m UK and other than a few members on here and myself that only grow for themselves I’d never sell out. I have allowed some of what I’ve grown to be smoked by “others” and have had been offered cash to “provide” services and seeds. Not happening brother. I’m not about money. If I can help someone in medical need I’ll do so but not for profit. For me this is a hobby and seriously becoming a way of life.


For every single one of those people there’s at least one that continues to keep on giving.
The only way to offset greed is to give away twice as many yourself.
Eventually the generosity will win out and everyday the world gets a lil greener.


Well said my friend. Here’s hoping :+1:


You win OG today. I’m an English convict. I like the sun and wallabies. Can I come?

@Esrgood4u I forgot your purple Badlands in my rushing getting your light out. I’ll get a couple in an envelope to you.


It’s fine my brother. We have until Xmas before my next grow (Charlotte’s angel is 12 weeks bloom) but I’d definitely like to give them a run. We have plenty of time as I can’t see me EVER leaving OG. It’s the first place I’ve ever felt at home :+1:


It’s funny you should say that. Me neither. Met (both physically and virtually) some real awesome people here. I would never have joined if it wasn’t for @Jellypowered so you have him to thank for my light. Building more than anyone. Me too…cheers brother. You opened up big opportunities for me to fuck up :sweat_smile:


You learned skills and can use them for “consultation” at several types of jobs now due to your “fuck up” so it wasn’t a loss at all mate.

I hounded you for what seems like forever to come back to the forum scene after RIU left a sour taste in everyone’s mouth.

You finally gave in haha!


Sad, but true, @Esrgood4u . Especially in America. Greed gets rooted more and more here all the time and our gov’t encourages it. The house and senate care only about the people in this country that are rich, it shows in the crap they pass. Not just the Republicans, the Democrats have done there share of courting the rich, They JUST changed their ways because of how well Bernie did during the last election. All the more interesting because mainstream Democrats don’t like Bernie and they showed us just how much during that same election by blocking him with SuperDelegates. I am so fed up with the entire situation, I got stay high enough to prevent thinking about it.


And definitely glad I did. And you did. And he did. and she did. And that’s what makes this place awesome. People do. And for the right reasons.

@Cobra50 obviously we intended to make profit on the lights. And we did a bit. But nothing to write home about. A few good people seen the light and converted to LED at the right time. A few missed the boat.

Can we recommend trusted purchaser too. Cos I’d like to drop a few names…
@albannach @gaz29 @esrgood4u @kushyhaze @lostinasog

And a good few not on OG that have been a pleasure to deal with.

Massive respect to those who have little and spread as much love as they can here too. Group hug mofuckers

Edit. @Jellypowered @ReikoX @MadScientist @Gaz29 and @Pedro_Bann have basically made my seed collection what it is. (Maybe bar a couple of old Greenpoint seeds) I would purchase what has been donated by these guys


Took as long as a sativa does! HAHAHAHA!

Patience dear friend, it looks like the journey has just begun!

Sci :robot:


I agree here… the funny thing is that the greed they have will eventually result in them making crappy strains just for high yields and easy profits… Meanwhile, I’ll be here working and working on finding strains to help specific pains/diseases/etc… Cannabis is not a 1-strain-fits-all, and that’s what I love about it. Even though I personally don’t do it, I have a lot of respect for the culture and for the plant itself.


we KNOW overgrowing pisses them off though! :smile: let’s keep on overgrowing the world with cannabis and see what happens.

Working on legalization and seeing Prohbition fall has been overwhelmingly satisfying! Pisses off all the right people! Now they want to tax and control the herb…good luck with that if the whole world is growing it :+1:


I was specifically referring to the people that show up, get a few free seeds and disappears. These people are not adding to the community, they are just using it to give themselves 100% profit on selling their weed. I didn’t mean to imply everyone that sells stuff is a bad person, quite the contrary. Yes, you are making money from some of us here, but you are also contributing to the community all the time. And, since you say you made “a bit”, I’d say you are still contributing by giving OGers inexpensive options on lighting.

My anger and disillusionment is for the GREEDY, not the entrepreneur, that is juist trying to make a few extra bucks and not screw anyone. America is full of so many greedy pricks that worship money and power and will fuck over anyone to get it. One needs look no farther that the White House to find a glaring example of American greed, but if you’d like to look farther, pick almost anyone from either the house or the senate and you’ll see more examples.

Many say, “Money is the root of all evil”. Strictly speaking, it is not, greed is. Greed screwed many land owners across the US out of their homes and property when the intercontinental railway was built. Greed is also a huge part of the reason the US government tried to commit genocide on the native Americans. The US government was quick to judge Hitler as evil when they tried to do the same thing a scant 70 years later.

Greed has NO PLACE in a civilized world! Period! It is what makes all the Hitlers, Kims, Bin Ladens, Putins, Kochs and trumps.


Too true, brother @MadScientist. :smile:

I’m so happy to not be buying weed anymore, @Niburan. :wink:

@anon58740919, these people definitely deserve any kind words they get. Also, they are not alone in their generosity, many have been named in this topic as well. OverGrow is one place that tends to attract good people, the greedy don’t often make themselves known.

Even if I didn’t use weed, @Muleskinner, that would be a great reason to start growing. :smiley: