Trim the fan leaves or no?

I’d continue and pluck daily.

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Pluck the male flowers? I hadn’t considered that…

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Yes brother, pluck the male parts off. No sense killing it now.


I think “Everything in moderation” is a good rule for most things in life (this is was learned(earned) from trial and error of course)


My last grow I had some nanners and left them. Ended up regretting that decision, lots of seeds and poor bag appeal. Next time I will cut my losses and chop the plant.


I don’t know that i could get them all, they’re everywhere…

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I’m just growing for my own use so bag appeal isn’t a big deal. I don’t like picking seeds outta my bud though. The seeds would be worthless I assume? Chopping it seems like a good idea


Then chop it brother.

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I think I might do that. I’ve got it in a separate room for the moment. At least it won’t pollinate the other plant that way…

you could always let it go and use it all for hash, guess you would ruin the other plant tho

I chopped it so it wouldn’t ruin the other plant.

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I do in veg in flower not anymore

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Flowers or budding sites are ‘sinks’ in the process of translocation. (They feed off of the energy produced in the leaves). If you want your buds to reach their potential maintain healthy leaves and do not remove them. You are robbing the plant of the ability to digest its food by removing healthy leaves.


Trim the fan leaves. :thumbsup:



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I only remove some lowers in week three just to thin out the bottom and let some air in. From there I only remove “imperfect” leaves or those that are shading Bud sites. I leave the rest.
