Should I defoliate?

Ok, she is doing well. I know defoliating would help in some ways, but I don’t want to mess up. I have limp leaves below, but all seems well above.
Fed every other. To runoff.
5 gal.
Bio360 flower
Bio biz fish mix/bloom every other feed .
I do not know my light wattage. They are neo-par ilumitex @ 3/4
At the moment 83° - 53 rh with door open. Normally close to VPD
3 weeks into flower. .
What would you do at this stage?
Love you all!


looks great. I’ll leave it to the experts but… it really looks great. Good luck and keep it up I would say


I personally would trim off any limp leaves and smaller shaded branches under the net. Oftentimes, these leaves can be pulled off with very little force, meaning they are pretty much dead. Dead leaves can be a vector for mold. I am much more aggressive than I used to be in cutting off shaded lower branches. I find the bud is airy and not worth my time trimming after harvest.

Looking good overall.


I would defoliate at day 7 and 21 no later than day 28. Strip anything not getting enough light, if its super larfy i would strip it. That includes all lower branches that are just robbing energy.


They look like they need water too


Personally I defoliate, but this is your weed and ultimately your decision. If you choose to proceed, I would suggest go slowly, be comfortable with what you do. I look for fan leaves that have stems stretching across the plant or twisted deformed leaves that dont have room to fully expand and finally leaves that look like a hand raised in like a “stop” position as if blocking light or air circulation. Always be aware of what you’re snipping ( I still have my oh crap moments).

Like any skill I’ve acquired I learn by screwing up

Good luck and good growing.


Ps. Sometimes I only trim part of a leaf, if seems to make sense.


Like the man said it’s Your grow
I do but only the massive fan leaves.
These plants are all defoliated
I find air flow is better to, I have had side by sides
Of defoliated and not.
Personally I do but it’s your call.


Nice looking plants. Good job. It’s always up to you what you end up gong with, but I don’t defoliate a whole lot. Some folks do & seem to have good results. If it we’re my grow, I’d snip off any of those tiny branches down below the net that have no hope to make it to the light and snip off any below net bud sites on larger branches that aren’t going to see any light. I’ll usually leave larger below net fan leaves on until they shrivel up or come off with the slightest tug. If I remove any fan leaves up top, its because I can’t tuck them back under the net without crowing things up too much or blocking some other bud. Like this one for example, marked w/ a blue arrow; looks like its blocking the bud just below. If I can’t tuck that leaf down below the net without smashing it up against another bud, I’d consider getting rid of it.

To help put the above in perspective: I’m not an all day, every day smoker. I shoot for happy, healthy plants in general & not so much for ultimate yield. I’d be trying to minimize the loose buds & fatten up the bigger ones as much as reasonable, but I don’t mind a little airy bud along with the fuller ones. Pain in the butt to trim 'em like @Pleiochasium said, but they make for some easy rolling joints & help make the hash pile bigger.


I always do a heavy defoliation before i flip to flower and then a light defoliation a few weeks in. I hate trimming small, larfy buds, so id rather trim all that crap off and push the energy to my top buds.


Still learning but decided to remove everthing that has not cleared the net on mine. Happy with my decision. RH is easier to control as well.


Feeding till run off does not insure that the complete pot is wet

Try 1/2 from top and bottom feed the rest
Lower level of roots are sure to get wet and it will drive roots downward

Remove lower growth

Your plant looks thirsty mostly

At this stage introduce more p & k more then n

A bud booster would be good to add at this point

Good luck

Plastic pots do suck try fabric bags more air getting to roots and easer to bottom feed

Just my 2 cents


Fruit dont ripen without direct sunlight. Remove lowers or all shading leaves from up top.


Everything that has been said is great information. I will add only one thing…
If you choose to defoliate, remember that you can always trim more later, but you can’t put it back.


That is fantastic advice :person_facepalming::person_facepalming::joy:

Also, if you have some OCD tendencies, maybe don’t defoliate while stoned :person_facepalming:


Anyone who says defoliation doesn’t increase yield may be correct, but the yield of a defoliated plant will have a higher percentage of better formed flowers…

Yeah, sure you can go too hard but i would always take away leaves that are just blocking light from significant flower clusters… have you ever seen how weak the flowers directly under a big fat leaf are?

I’ve seen much more experienced and respected growers stand by NOT defoliating at all but i think they’re just delusional and stubborn. Just my 2 satoshis. :v: :yin_yang:


I’ll pull off a few leaves whenever the hell I feel like it but my main defoliation tends to be at the end of stretch. You can see the winners and the losers. You can cut branches.


I have worked with all kinds of fruit trees, and defoliation is just one aspect of training a plant to grow how you want, to maximise the fruit / flowers you’re looking for…

Those that see it as some kind of taboo or something are just weird… it reminds me of apple trees, for example… they grow hundreds, even thousands of apples on a tree if left to itself, so yes, you might get more final weight of apples compared to one that has been heavily thinned (removed majority of fruit) which will possible have less weight but much better quality and size of apples…

Some may then say that canna is a very fast growing plant with a short cycle, which is true, but just a little common sense can show you where it’s wise to remove excess foliage, and will not stunt it.


I wouldn’t defoliate now as too far into flower and yield would greatly suffer. imo

Usually I defoliate a week before flower and then again strain depending around week 2. The perfect time is when stretch is finished and bud set just beginning. The idea with the timing is to not slow down growth during stretch, and to not damage or slow down bud growth…so the transition is perfect timing. :slight_smile:

Here’s Oreo Blizzard and Donky Kong day 14 defoliate.



Yep, I would give them a shave under the net. Only bigger leaves or dying ones.


OK, so I’ve always agreed with you here, and still doo/want to… But, have any of you seen Bill Ward’s recent videos? He cut off all the top full buds, 3 weeks in a row… Complete loss of the top 12" or so of the plant. I would have sworn the plants would have keeled over, but they just kept budding… It was a trip.

Here’s a vid of him doing the second cut down… Still not sure why this doesn’t kill the plants.