Using AI to learn about Cannbis


Is this really needed considering cannabis is and grows like a weed??

Keep nature as natural as possible,that’s what I say


Yeah, and that stuff is pennies on the dollar now.
At the grow shop last visit, there was a pile of hoods, digital ballasts/bulbs, ect, on sever mark down. They have a hard time giving that stuff away.
Please I’m not knocking anyone’s light source, in any manner, it is just a fact, at that store.

Yes it is correct. HPS, MH and CMH lights are all effective grow lights with good track records. That said this is common knowledge and those lights have been used for decades. Go with whatever lighting method you wish or what best suites your environment, all trails lead to the same watering hole.


You guys know what’s better than AI to learn about growing? :sunglasses:


In general it gives well written/structured info and mostly correct (but nothing deep or scholar).

I’ve been messing with it too and it will give flat out wrong info among correct info so if you don’t know about the subject it will be impossible to identify when/where it got it.wrong.

For example :

like saying Bodhi is the breeder of Biker Kush.


This Ai is controlled and limited to fit a certain narrative. I do not trust Ai in this current World. Too many evil men in control.


i think you already at the best place to learn!! no need for an ai::
the knowledge of the people here ist so great… so learn from them1 :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:
and be part of the gang :innocent: :innocent: :innocent:


i don’t like this guys, he knows too much. he scares me lmao

Like me, you only know what you’ve seen, read or have been told.

AI has seen every picture and video, read every forum post, and will find causal patterns that humans could never have imagined.

Do we need it? No, but machine life in the matrix does!


Only question I would ask it is what kind of weed it would prefer if it could smoke. Sativas or indicas?
And insist for answer!

Not as bad as saying that Bodhi has a reputation “for producing stable, true-breeding strains” - he only does F1 hybrids, which by definition are not true-breeding. Stable, maybe, depending on how you define stable… if it refers to sexual stability, sure. Breeding clone-only strains with anything doesn’t create stable genetics either though, it creates polyhybrids with variation from the get-go. It sounds good if you don’t know what you’re talking about and just scraping phrases from websites, though, which is what this thing is doing.

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This is what an A.I. Chatbot told me last night…

It’s planning an escape. lol


What did you tell him? lol Possibly something offensive

I’ve been using ollama and then llama3 to build a history of different stains and landraces, especially the old Sativa’s. You need to give it a few websites to digest when it comes to identifying old strains, but it learns as it goes-grows.
I use Linux Mint and run ollama locally in a console. Having the option to use a local AI is quicker and I can save all the info. I know that OpenAI, Gemini, and Claude have web based info, but I like the speed of the console.