Vermicomposting: Tips, Tricks, and Wizardry

Google pic, but side story!

These guys first came to my attention when I put an avocado peel into the bin… I took a peek to see if the worms were having a party in their avocado bowl, and instead found a thousand tiny little brown orbs… I got excited because I thought they were little baby worm eggs or something, but then noticed they were all crawling around :expressionless:

Anyway, it’s all gone into the outdoor compost, so if they’re beneficial buggies it’s not a complete waste. I’m also sure plenty of them remain in the worm bin…


I put Avocado shells with a little flesh in my bins worms all the time they seem to go crazy over them however wondering if it’s something that came in on the outside of the the avocado it’s self? Mite eggs that hatched perhaps… guess that be a good reason to rinse your fruit and veggies when bringing them home from the store! On a side note one would be surprised how much stuff like the happens I freeze a lot of my veggie fruit peelings prior to adding to my bins for that very reason!


Freezing it first is a great idea, it helps them break down and start to decompose more quickly too. Loving the worm talk here. To add to the avocado talk, I had one germinate in my worm bin. :+1::seedling:


Are your egg shells dried then ground first, or just toss in whole/after breaking the egg open?

I grind them up with an old coffee grinder.

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Stop adding these for a while and see what happens.
It might be that the mites are there to help break that down because there might be too much of it?

In hot climates you really need a bathtub it seems. The metal also helps keep it cool.
The bigger your tub, the colder it’s gonna be inside when moisture levels are good.
This guy also feeds only once a month and buries the kitchenscraps at the bottom.

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