WHAB’s 1924 Brick Schoolhouse RDWC

Yeah, Lumnah Acres trapped them himself. Fatally so…

They cannot be allowed to destroy property that is in productive human use.

Dynamite seems an extreme measure! ROFLMAO


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Have you ever tried to break apart a beaver dam with pick axe, shovel and axe? chainsaws get messy. They truly are natures engineers, disassembling a dam by hand is NO fun! Was much more fun to stick a few sticks in, light and run like hell…

Seeing the dam rebuilt a few days later? I think thats when we accepted defeat unless we kill them, and other than ruining ATV trails, thats just swampy woods, so leave em be. We tried to make em move on, but they wanted to stay more… They also chose the perfect spot, its a depression, with a stream in a small chasm, by damming the chasm, they made a large pond quickly. That chasm was a REALLY deep drainage ditch dug back in the 40’s, and follows the line of that stream in my pic thru the entire pic.

Crazy they knew where to dam to make a pond, and crazier still is the construction of the dams. Truly a miracle of nature, their engineering is amazing…


Trap the beaver
Then dynamite the dam

40 pound river rats… :angry:
Beaver Fever isn’t nice…



No. I have only seen Al Lumnah dismantle one small opening in one downstream end of the one dam with a hard rake several times over a few days and emptying the trap of the culprits a few times over those few days.

No, some days it was only over the course of one day. Rapid Rebuilders! biggrin

And, yes, some of natures truly effective engineers.


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You can trick those large rodents by making a pipe through the dam under the water. Their instinct is to go to the sound of running water and beef up the dam, so when they get to the dam and it’s intact but the water is flowing out and the out flow is originating back upstream in the pond where they can’t figure it out. hah hah insert yourself into the mind of the beaver, so to speak.


Hello, my friend! wavy

He was about waist deep, digging with his hard rake…so it was deeper than that even. He’d only need to be a certified diver to accomplish the task you describe! winky

I only mention diver certification, coincidentally, because a nephew of mine recently received his Master Diver certificate.

Not sure where he derived the inclination to get his diving certificate - there isn’t an ocean (extremely large body of water) even remotely close to this location (or anywhere where he has lived) Possibly excluding his service in the United States Marine Corps :us:., I don’t know where he was ever stationed, not that I can recall at the moment - but I’m happy for him that he did!

And a second aside, IF anyone is keeping track!?!? ROFLMAO

He did buy a very neat boat to dive from - I believe that was his intention. The boat used to be here on this property. It went in to the shop a while back and I don’t know where it is now.

To my minds eye, it looks all the world like a entrant in the Motorama’s of old!

Something like this 1950 Lincoln Continental Concept Car…

This is like his boat…(this is his color scheme - black on white).

I have pictures of his boat that I took Aug. 2020. I can see places where they should be in the file system on my phone but, I can’t even get it to load on my phone through the Your Phone (Companion) on my PC. Just empty spaces where I know they should be. I found them in my Android gallery (I think it’s the Google Gallery) on my phone on my PC. But images down that far in the file don’t want to preview, never mind load.

I went searching for stock photos of his boat. I didn’t know until this search that the roof on his boat must slide forward and aft.

His roof was slid open similarly to the second image, enough to stand at the helm. I thought that was pretty neat and futuristic in the way of those 1950s and 1960 Motorama’s.

Knowing his likely slides makes it even that much smoke winky. You’d be able to shut out the spray or wind or cold or all of them IF you’d care to winky. tup

Thank for adding to the discussion, friend! tup



For some reason I was able to get to the bottom of the files on my Your Phone (Companion) on my PC.

I was not expecting to see this at all. It seems it has a maximum image limit. 2000 looks to be that limit…

I know the boat pictures were well before those pictures of Cloning Machine II.

In the future, I’ll have to come up with another method of taking and saving my images for potential later retrieval.

Or, I’ll have to take many, many FEWER pictures! Not likely! crazy ROFLMAO

Oh, I tried to connect my Gravely ZT mower to the drag here on the property. The drag was last parked on the lawn, for some reason. The Gravely couldn’t pull it through the grass to get it back to the gravel. It kept pulling the front wheels off the ground. I’m going to try and get the drag on the gravel driveway first with the Kubota, then see if it will drag the drag. I’m thinking it should be able to pull the drag if it is on the gravel driveway first. Will find out.

And, I’m about to Kettle Grill (Weber) a turkey. I moved my Weber to the front of the 1924 Schoolhouse and cleaned the Kettle Grill inside and out last night, too late to start cooking when I finished that task.

I can’t find my original Weber cooking instructions. I know I have them because I keep that sort of thing, like forever! spy2|nullxnull ROFLMAO I know I refreshed my memory of those instructions a couple of years ago, so I know I have them, somewhere!

From what I read on the Weber website, the instructions seems to have evolved between when I bought mine and now. A few steps are not familiar.

But, I pretty much have it memorized anyway and I will wend the old instructions into the new instructions.

IF you’ve never had a Weber’d turkey you’re missing out! It’s the best turkey I’ve ever had. I have never had Deep Fried turkey, which I hear is also very good…I’ve just never had the opportunity.

Bon Appétit! - Hopefully! winky

urlate ROFLMAO,

My BinL tried that one once, it was basically inedible (cooked to a clinker).
He damned near got a Darwin award when he dropped the bird in. I think the oil geysered about 6 feet in the air :laughing: :crossed_fingers: Fastest I’ve ever seen him move… :rofl:

Yes, he is about as sharp as a ‘bag of hammers’ & a rather poor excuse for a human being… {and I’m understating…}




It is obvious he didn’t read or follow the instructions!

I wasn’t there BUT, it sounds like he put a frozen bird in the deep fry. They warn against doing that. They might even use pictures to express that potentiality.

Water displaces oil. Everyone knows this, even if it isn’t in those exact terms.

I’m on sitter duty for about a week. Will be in and out over that time.

Hilarious story, @Gpaw !


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Hey folks! :wave:

As per my last above, I spent 9 of the last 10 days tending to a Locomoting Petri Dish.

I’ve had both Moderna vaccines and the booster. I’ve had the Quadrivalent vaccine, both the booster and the influenza vaccine very recently.

About 5 days ago my charge came home from school and crashed most of the rest of that day and through the evening.

I’ve never cared for him before so I didn’t know if that was out of place for him. He never said he wasn’t feeling well.

He got up the next morning and prepared for and left for school like normal. Never saying he wasn’t feeling well.

2 days after that I wasn’t feeling so great - Moderna Vaccines!!! AND the Booster!!! AND the Quadrivalent Influenza Vaccine!!! - surely I wasn’t getting sick?!?!

I sweated it out in bed that first night but woke up not feeling so bad - I thought I had sweated it out. I typically tough these things out.

I started getting body chills and my eyeballs felt hot. Neither is a good sign.

I sweated it out that night and again, I thought for sure I got passed the worst of it this time.

I was relieved of my Ambulating Petri Dish tending duties yesterday afternoon.

Today I woke up with a REALLY bad sore throat and coughing up yellow/green sputum. A lot of yellow/green sputum. I don’t recall having a worse sore throat.

I rifled through my pharmaceutical reserves for something that might help with the sore throat, at least.

I found some foil-packed Mucinex-DM. It’s dated 02/2015. I thought about taking some. It probably would have been okay. I didn’t take it.

I started looking for home remedies - like involving honey (I had to bum the honey). I tried it, it didn’t work.

Later when the honey remedies didn’t work, I took a Oxycodone/Acetaminophen. It almost instantly diminished the perceived sore throat pain (masking the pain - it didn’t “cure” the sore throat).

I’m still coughing up yellow/green sputum (a sure sign respiratory infection) and having slightly more difficulty breathing than normal on top of all the other above.

Earlier this evening, I messaged my VA Primary Care Clinic explaining what I laid out above - except for the hot eyeballs and the body chills (I forgot to include them). I had to take another Oxycodone/Acetaminophen a little while ago.

I expect they’ll either advise me to come in to the VA Clinic or the local ER. I typically tough these things out. I’m not so sure this time.

What has me most concerned it that, I have volunteered to take the double Moderna Vaccine AND its Booster AND the Quadrivalent Influenza Vaccine.

So, why the fuck am I sick?!?!

Vaccine Theater?!?!

PullHair ,


Keep warm.

For the throat, always keep it clean, after meals, brush your teeth, and gargle with water and a pinch of salt. Afterwards, a spoon of honey will form a protective layer.

Just to relieve throat symptoms.

Look for a doctor.

Sending out good vibes.


Sorry your feeling so bad. I hope things turn around soon for you.

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Thank you for the advice, @Gugumelo :+1:! Sincerely. Good to see you, as well! I have long used the salt-water gargle for decades now for sore throats. I thought about it in this instance. I don’t get sore throats any more, or so I thought.

Thank you, also, @Floyd :+1:

Thank you both for your kind words!!!

Well, it’s not China Virus! :tup:

It is some sort of viral pulmonary infection that’s further inflaming my COPD.

That was the worst part of it and the ONLY thing that sent me to ‘town’ - not being able to catch ones breath is such a helpless feeling! I couldn’t breath - intermittently - and there was nothing I could do about it! :frowning_face:

Got a steroid shot in the ass (they said what it was but I’ll be dipped in dog doo if I know what they said! They used a word I have never heard before! :roflmao:), a Respironics Nebulizer machine came back to the 1924 Schoolhouse with me along with 60 3mL vials of Albuterol Sulfate Inhalation Solution, Promethazine DM (liquid cough medicine) then Doxycyclone and Prednisone in pill form.

Time to read up and set up…

I do hope you are ALL feeling well and fine!



This is good. I was worried with you.
Rest and eat light food…
The salt water recipe is old, but it is present in our memories.


Well at least you know what your fighting and have a plan. Get well soon. :smiley:


Glad it’s not the cove, I know people who got it, and that’s not fun times!

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Thank you, brother @Gugumelo! :+1:

Yes, I actually stocked up on some canned soup last night after my Urgent Care visit. I didn’t realize until I was sick that I didn’t have any canned soup stocked up! I am always well stocked up on Ramen, but not canned soup (for a quick, easy prep meal)…luckily I don’t find it horrible! Whistle.

And, agreed on the salt-water gargle remedy. I have used it many, many times with great results!

Thanks again, my friend! :+1:,


Thank you, my friend! :+1: Feeling much better already! :+1:



Actually, from my end, it was a toss-up - prior to examination - whether it was China Virus or something else.

Symptoms are very similar and with a “Negative” COVID test it did nail it down in that regard (IF COVID tests are to be trusted! :laughing:).

Thank you, my friend…I appreciate it! :+1:,

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So friend, how did your “vacation” de-cluttering (disgorging) go?

Mine is STILL in-process :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:,

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