🎧 What Are You Listening To? (Part 4)


one of these days i’m gonna get too curious and spin up a vm with a vpn and a couple of proxies so i can listen to some of this music you post that tracks everyone. not today, but one of these days…

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I figured just advertising cookies. When I load up youtube I get it blocking literally hundreds of things by privacy badger and ublock origin.

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i looked it up after the comment. this is what i found:

i don’t like tracking of any kind but the kind you don’t see or know about is the worst. tracking pixels are a thing now and apparently pretty hard to stop. not to mention the supercookies or whatever they call them.

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So youre saying it is more nefarious than youtube and privacy badger is recognizing that?

no, i’m saying that it is trying to track me even if i don’t click the link. probably the same as youtube but i haven’t seen an ad on the internet for years after finding ublock origin and privacy badger. in other words, i don’t see them on youtube but that picture shows up for most of the songs you post. some of them are in the clear and they are pretty decent so i just wondered what i was missing when i saw all of the widgets in a row and made a comment.


I definitely feel better on my iphone/apple stuff. It has some new form of advanced encryption that apple cant even open and it tells me if anything is doing weird stuff.

Even the cloud side cant be fucked with :slight_smile:

doesn’t matter since nothing is in there of any value. where you go and what you look at on the internet is extremely valuable though. so much so that everyone will give you all kinds of discounts on their shit just to use their app for everything. why do you suppose they do that? so they can use it to make more money off of you and everyone else. they may not be able to look at your pictures but they don’t want to. they want your activity and they get that whether you like it or not. i could stop all of it but it is so hard to do and one little mistake exposes it all. not worth it to me. i gladly accept the idiots on my computer, i kick them off every once in a while but they get back on. still not sure if they’re just messing with me or are actually as incompetent as they seem.

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Best opening lyric ever.

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