🎧 What Are You Listening To? (Part 4)

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First a whole bunch of delightful jazzy nonsense to then finish with a metal riff. Fuck yeah.

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Shotgun! THis takes me back to my army days in Germany meeting this band from England made up of Anglo Indians, English , Burmeswe coming to the Enlisted club doing Beatle and Rollung Stones tunes. But the blacks weren’t amuzed cuz “soul” was happening. So i snuck them up to the barracks (we were off base very cool duty) and told them about the soul music. They got a few records. So the next night at the club they’d go "Next tune is Satisfaction by James Brown. And the blacks would look puzzled. James Brown did that? Sorta look. But the got the soul music down - Shotgun being one of the easiest and they could vamp on the riff for 15 minutes later in the evening when people were getting loose. When I got out fo the army in Europe i becdame their road manager. Good times, Lotta stories

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Headphones, a few tokes, meditative surroundings and Good night O.G.'ers wherever you be…

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when the time is right, and the day goes as it does, you just break out a list of …welll you know…something to make it right…
so here you go hope this list makes it all right