What brought you to Overgrow?

I Googled “landrace outdoor gallery”, and OG came up. Like you, I was only here a few minutes before joining and commenting. The vibe here excellent, and people here know what they’re talking about.


Ha ha ha ha ha. :joy::joy::joy::joy::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:

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Welcome to OG, @Bert! For weed growers like us, this is definitely the place to be! Pot leaf hopper


I was looking good for a purple glue cross and found Tony’s Tortured Beans thread. I head about OG from old weed nerd shows so when I seen the thread I immediately joined.


@Jetdro talked me into it : )


Originally, I was in the News Groups, trying to figure it out and all. I had zero computer skills, except for the manuals that came with it.
I managed to find some weed growers, and then I saw the words, Over Grow.
No Google back then.
Opened up Netscapes browser, typed it in, I knew, I found my people.
OG 2.0, I got a nice message from LJ, about reviving it, you can have you handle, and said to stop in.


Searching for other Octopot growers. This forum appears to have the most octopot activity of any other site on the web. Im about to start my second grow ever, and first with the Octopots, so I have much to learn. The community here have been extremely helpful and it’s much appreciated.


Seeking info on the Octopots and growers who have used them.


I feel like OG is all about the plant instead of the egos that are rampant on other forums. Most of the other forums end up being mostly dick measuring contest from a bunch know it alls, and there’s nothing to be learned from any of that crap imho.


It’s a long story lol

But I’m glad I’m here.


I have to agree with you. It is either idiots who couldn’t find their ass with both hands or self-proclaimed 'grow masters of the universe" who may have seen an indica. The opinions were idiotic and the moderators drunk with power to delete got to me.

On the other hand, this friendly helpful attitude here is very refreshing. And finding someone here that was looking for seeds that I had a quantity of made me feel good packing them up and sending them to him.


I followed the trail of friends from a different site over to here
I think I took a wrong turn lol :joy:

All this time I thought we grew tomatoes


I have been on the forums since 2000, mostly lurking but occasionally posting. I didnt like the attitude of some forums so I stopped going and did my own thing.
Got into grad school, started working with cannabis, wanted to talk to more people about making a real change in Cannabis.
Overgrow is legendary for a reason, i wanted input from people actively growing, what was important to them, and help dispel some bro science. I have been accepted here and have had incredible discussions with people that I otherwise wouldn’t have been able to have! I also think spaces like this are culturally important and provide a lot of history and advice that needs to be preserved. The stories behind the plant and techniques used are just as valuable as the plant. Its a piece of history that I want to be a part of.


I am here for the girls.


I have been lurking this new OG for years now, but just recently registered this account because it seems to be one of the most active/current grow forums around today. The original OG was my first forum and this may be one of my last, as we seem to be a dying breed :frowning:


Wait !! What ??? There are girls here??? :face_with_monocle:


A troll bring me here :rofl:


Ic mag refugee. I did not get along with their “upgrade”. This is a very friendly place, I’m glad to be a part of it however big or small. :cowboy_hat_face:


Upgrade? I don’t really go over there unless google search results takes me.

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I joined the original overgrow a long time ago when my beard was black.
It’s now grey. I didn’t post much because I was too paranoid.
I rediscovered Overgrow when I received a freebie of Pura Vida from Shoe at Headie Gardens, made by @nube
I’m glad to be back!