What’s wrong with my Black berry auto

That’s the thing bro roots shouldn’t ever get outside the pot, what use us the copper sheet if roots grow through it?

That’s 2 weeks since I re potted them with no root at the bottom.

For reference, i re potted this the day after the autopot plants.

5ltr air pot.

Edit, I only use a dehumidifier during flower.

@CapnCannabis I follow I similar method to you, I don’t have the money to use 200w on seedlings, I’m initiating flower with t5s these days lol.


I’d focus on environment before throwing your chips into the light. I think with more humidity, the light should not be an issue. I start all my seeds in my veg tent… where the light is at 200w and roughly 30-34 inches away from seedlings. 15-20 inches for most everyone else. Tallies on the outside. Humidity is 65-70 and temps 75-78. :man_shrugging:t2: Hope you get these figured out!! Rooting for you :metal:t2::seedling: kind of messy photo but you can see seedlings on the floor of the jungle. I have a humidifier and fan in there


Theres nothing wrong with using T5s Dude dont let anyone put you down for that.The light industry is about to exclusively cater T5s to growers i have a feeling with all the Leds taking over florescent still has its place in the Tent and barn.The best weed i ever smoked in my life gave me a complete white out and was grown in a shitty closet with 4,3 ft plant and aquarium bulbs back in 2003.Serious seeds white russian that shit would make wall paper peel


Good call on throwing out the autos. IME those were too stunted to salvage. For your future reference, in addition to the various good ideas above, I’ve seen the exact same “look” from plants that had their root system heavily damaged by root rot. Most of the time when everything seems right but they look terrible like that,
I pull up the baby plant and find the tap root rotted and the plant maybe surviving on a bit of a side root. Really pitiful.

I have a theory that if I foliar feed a seedling like that before the stunting gets bad it might recover, but I’m mostly breeding & don’t want the weaklings for that, so I haven’t tried it early. I do have one right now that I started foliar feeding late in the stunting game. Not quite as bad as yours. Interested to see what it will do, but I expect the answer is “not much”.

I like the Photone app for measuring light levels. :slight_smile:


@CapnCannabis yeah absolutely, I love my t5s.
I’ve a bunch of led I could use but my 1st choice it t5s because of the heat and light for 96w.
I sex them and initiate flowering under t5s

Then move them to the flower tent.

That’s 2 weeks in the flower tent but the older ones have been in 12-12 for 5/6 weeks (seed plants)
The hike in electricity prices has forced some changes.


Great info! Thanks! I’ll definitely check that app out too!

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fastbuds is like the lottery one time you win one time you lose you can never be sure what you are going to get


:laughing:! Is it considered generally the best auto flowering seed bank

Supposedly :thinking:

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How would you compare them to Mephisto?

How’s your plant coming along?

If kept high enough wattage not an issue.
I suggest flushing the shit out of them
With PH adjusted water.
Is the dirt to hot?
I dunno
My experience with autos is if those aren’t saved
Quick and I’m not sure they will recover
They will never do much.
But hopefully that won’t be your experience.

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I added a humidifier, and also turned on my auto pot system. They are looking happier!


To me it obvious what happening there. Dead clear. Your drip line is insufficient. Your seedlings have 1/10 the amount of roots they should have. Thus their metabolism is 90% slower than it should be.
You need to hand water and soak the pot then let it dry out in between waterings.
auto flowers are not like photos. Stress damage is irreversible.

water follows the path of least resistance- water is a polarized molecule ( it sticks to itself)

A drip line creates a path and follows it indefinitely if there is not a proper watering every once in a while


Please re read the thread these are not the same seeds. I started over with non auto seeds.

i actually didn’t read the thread at all but what i said is still true.

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Have you checked runoff pH?

Great! Appreciate the response, that makes sense.

something like this wiil help your current set up
You still need to know what one of those containers feels like when its actually saturated.https://www.htgsupply.com/products/bloom-brothers-hydro-halo-9/?utm_source=Google+Shopping&utm_medium=cpc&utm_campaign=Google_Variations_210830_1558&srsltid=AfmBOor5pvkDpdxwg64yzJSjEGP3labYtNEe-RRrsts6sdyz1hzVaTZSyQw

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I Can not tell because i’m not used with auto but their strains looks cool