Whoa, like... WHOA. I died and went WHEN?!

So…uh, hi. :grin:

I’m going to go out on a limb and say that someone somewhere pulled a gargantuan phoenix, resultant here? I was a dumb, naive kid on a site juuuuust like this way back when, full with an inversely proportionate amount of guile, gullability and hubris and hope, and well let’s just say thank fuck this skull prove thick enough to protect thy important parts of that over the years, after that shit day of shit days when the RCMP sent us dark. Went on for a while further at Planet Ganja, but then life did too. C’est la vìe.

So lol, where’s the Fresh Price Crew kick it these days? :sunglasses: Same tag as I had then, doubt to be remembered honestly, just 19 is now 38 and at least it tries to put on an air of sense these days. Most, anyway. Been a trip tho, for sure lol, would love to fill in some gaps with any other OG OGers, got hours of stories to tell. :wink:

Also a beautiful bite of serendipitous spark, finding this on the eve of my resumption of green thumb activities. We’ve done a long way since '04, baby. :heart: :grin:



I have not been here long, but it’s nice seeing original OGers trickling back in.
Welcome back.


Best try to talk to some of the old heads around here. Goo luck finding our old homies!
@Oldjoints @Jetdro(ya ya, I know)

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I gotta say, it is beyond awesome seeing all these Old Souls pop up out the woodwork after all this time, seeing people have, will, do and did SURVIVE.

Cause man, I’ve been on Bluelight this entire time, 19 years… (Psychlone Jack thataway :wink:) not so common, there. The Shrine is FULL of literal homies. :pensive:

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