Why so many regs?

When Colorado legalized I heard politicians wanted to make it so you could only get the plant from a government regulated company


I see that Tropicana Cherry is Tropicana Cookies x Cherry Cookies

I have never tried Tropicana Cherry, so I can’t really compare. I will say the Cherry Malawi is a real treat of a sativa though…


That’s what they did in Canada. Just started noticing that the nursery’s here are offering sterile genetics in clone and fem seed. They want to kill the entire plant’s future now


They’re probably offering it as a way for people to have seed free harvest.
Not saying that it’s a step towards controlling the market. @Kushking902

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Because I want to reproduce the seeds so I can grow the cultivar when ever I want for the rest of my life. Been someone who have used STS for years, it’s definitely extra hassle. Doing simple small reproductions gets too complicated if I would have to whip the STS out.

Pz :v:t2:


Simple, regs are much better for breeding with.


One could ask, Why so many fems? Most of the Dutch companies have gone fem, majority of the Spanish companies, plenty American fems, Humboldt Seed Company discontinued majority of the regular seeds they have available, real bummer too I wanted to chuck some Blueberry Muffins pollen around.

Regs cause some of us have been growing since before fems and never jumped on the bandwagon, if it wasn’t for us we’d have no regular seeds on the market. Definitely have to keep them breeders going. Not for everybody though, think I heard you have a 2 plant limit in Maryland, pop 2 males it’s going to suck. Lol, fems are definitely better for outdoor if you’re starting from seed.


I collect landrace strains from all over the world ( I may have an addiction. lol. ). Anyway, I want regular seeds to “preserve” The largest amount of genetic potential of any specific strain for the future. ( Who knows, I may be the only dude with pot after the zombie appocalypse ). :rofl: Having said that, I also make feminized seeds of select strains for smoking. Hell, I will save any seed I find! ( I really do have a problem). :joy:


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This guy is a true genus! Fuck males! I can’t believe I’ve been so lazy


Maybe it is marketing to take a higher price.

I would go with regs all the time.

It is not easy to find a good male, but everyone can Spray STS on a plant.


Most of them will get little to no returns.

Marketing and higher price have their place In this option sure but still, it’s not everything behind it.

It’s not easy finding a good male indeed, cause they are not good for us smokers haha

Hoss8455, you are not making seed to sale, so you don’t fall under that category.

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That’s not really true.

Neither is this…


So far that’s what we see from known breeders with elite cuts.

If you have any info on breeders who reverse elite strains with ease and getting a ton of seeds, I’ll be happy to see and change my mind.

First we need to know what you consider an elite cut. A complete list will be useful.


A true genius that seem to lack knowledge in breeding/genetics and is opening the pandora box :slight_smile:

Sadly breeding is not simple. It all depends on the genetics you have at hands, and by S1 a killer cut you may as well end up with a complete mess or subpar weed. A killer cut is not always a good parent, including to itself.

All the art in breeding lies in choosing the right parents, be it male/female or female/female.

Also consider in this equation that selfing is inbreeding way faster than carefully chosen male/female parents, meaning in the end it leads faster in loss of hybrid vigor.

Depending on your killer cut genetic, by selfing it you may as well raise the herm population in your line.

Add to that that males do have more information than female in their genetic.

Fem is also a good way to lock consumers, as most of them won’t be able to reproduce it, so they have to buy from you again.

So that’s really not as simple as you describe…


Should I email you it ?
What that has to do with anything lol ?
Address the arguments, not the author.

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The only reason any of these ‘elite’ cuts exist is decades of people hunting and breeding with regs. You want fems to replace regs? Have fun with the same 3 poly hybrids being crossed and recrossed for the rest of time. The commercial market is already headed that way. Most of the truly remarkable breeding is done by people with 10 or 20 lights willing to put it the work, not money grabbers endlessly selfing and crossing other people’s work.


I can’t address the argument if you don’t provide a list of what you consider to be elite cuts. I can not read your mind.

This isn’t high school debate class.


For smoking it will be killer, or it wasn’t in the first place, u can’t eat the cake and leave it full haha
Herm in s1 or fem is a myth, get over it.

Males have more information… Yeah, that we as smokers don’t need, still waiting for someone to say what information, not just use high words without anything behind them.