Win smoking accessories from Honeybee Herb [Closed]

Dental tools and just the tip lol


Count me in!! Thanks for spreading the love! :partying_face:

Yeah, I’m in!!! If I’m lucky enough to win, send to that @Purple-N-Hairy fella. SS/BW…@mister :honeybee:


Good to see you @misterbee
Been a while.

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Cool cool cool! Count me in please :slight_smile:

Very nice. I occasionally dab.

These will fit right in as must haves for my hobby hash lab:)

Wow this is a great thing the sponsors are doing. Great job :+1:

I’m a sucker for fancy dab stuff I’m in for sure

Can someone point me to the way of the raffle?

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You are entered by making an entry on this post, as I hope I too am entered for these accessories!

Ya, I was just being a jerk!

I would love to win that travel pipe!

clever designs. consider me raffled?

Count me in! Happy 420 OG!

This would be cool? Good luck all


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I’m in!!! If I’m lucky

I’d like a dab, please.

Oooh these look like good quality!