Zephyr grows and creates

I will be sharing seeds of the Berry Larry x throwback, I’m hoping to find a few people to test these because my grow is pretty busy at the moment.

I would want to get bodhi’s approval before I shared any seeds made with his ethiopian.

I’m grateful for the opportunity to test the ethiopian banana, and his gift of the god’s paintbrush because the ethiopian turned out to be a very special line for managing my muscular disorder. I’m making some seeds so I can ensure that I will have this line for long term medical use.

I’d need to be sure I wasn’t stepping on bodhis toes before sharing these. I would never have had a chance to buy these, all of the limited edition supernatural selections sell out fast and I rarely see anyone grow them.

I’m still hoping bodhi will release some other hybrids with the ethiopian banana and ethiopian paintbrush mothers.


I thoroughly enjoyed that smoke report.


Throwback male:

mid 80’s Pacific Northwest Northern Lights clone
x Dank Sinatra f2 (78 LA affy x 88g13hp) - - - - - - - - [f2 by @nube]

The seedlings was a strong starter with broad leaves, and grew vigorously. Here is a photo in veg growth.

I let it grow until it was the right size for a female to begin flowering. The plant was sexed in 12/12 and took about 2 weeks to show. It determined as a male, so I revegged it until I had females ready to pollinate.

Here is the plant after reveg, and a few months of growth waiting for some mature females to pollinate. It has been trained to keep the size under control (and to encourage vegetative growth). It has mild root stress and some hints of light burn. But nothing that would detract from the overall health and vigor of the plant.

I let the females preflower for 2 weeks before introducing the male. Here is the throwback male in preflower, the pods are just starting to open.

that’s the ethiopian afghani on the left, and two berry larry #4 in the back.

Here is the male in full flower. Very nice structure, long continuous colas dense with male flower clusters. Excellent pollen production.

and here is the male in late flower. this plant had impressive stamina, it remained very healthy and continued to put out fresh flowers for 2 months, rapidly replenishing any dropped flowers, and maintaining thick dense floral clusters. you can see the females are almost finished, and covered in dropped flowers from the male.


Hey, I found a friend


Dude, that really is a very, very good-looking male. Impressive. Did you take a cut of that one? Might turn out to be something pretty special…


Thanks minitiger. The throwback was a really nice plant. I didn’t end up keeping it, but it made plenty of seeds and I really like the females I used for this project.

after I saw the flower structure develop, I tried to take a few clones from the lower branches. they rooted but unfortunately they never revegged.

seems like it was very stable in veg (took a long time to show preflowers when I sexed it, and reverted to veg growth under 18/6) and very stable in flower (refused to reveg once it was fully triggered to flowering).

they put out flowers for weeks and refused to branch out, so eventually I culled the plants and turned them into weed juice.

I could have planted one in a large pot to see if additional root space would help it reveg. It would have been nice to save this one, but I would have needed to keep it around for a while in order to use it again.

I’m going to be doing my next round of breeding to preserve plants grown from seed, so I couldn’t risk having it drop a single grain of pollen during that project. I have hepa filters set up on my intakes, so in general I have good precautions for potential stray pollen. I just don’t like to have any uncontrolled variables when I’m breeding.

Now I have room for clones of all of the gods paintbrush ethiopian afghani phenos.

I’m going to try to keep my neirika china cangshan plants over winter again. I really enjoy growing those outdoor, I’m going to keep these around as long as I can. It will allow me to get more breeding done with the original plants from the seed pack. they are bodhi’s initial preservation of the line gathered from the origin point during his trip to china.

These two cangshan phenotypes are just so hardy, easy to grow, and impressive to look at. and the high is very unique.


I got a grow report on my strayfox care package x lebanese from someone I gave seeds to locally.

They have a really nice organic garden, and they don’t do anything special for the cannabis seeds I give them. They just water them, occasionally.

They went out of town for 3 weeks, and when they came back the plant was perfectly healthy and had finished flowering. They just harvested a bunch of bud.

This is turning out to be a very reliable outdoor line. It’s always fun to hear back from people after they grow a hybrid I made. People have grown it for 2 years and nobody has had any problems.

This is my primary goal for outdoor breeding, healthy low maintenance plants that anyone can grow and get a good harvest. even without complicated techniques or cannabis grow products.


I’m not getting notifications properly for this thread even though I’m watching it. I apologize about not being more active here.

You mentioned Dank Zappa F2 and Dank Sinatra F2 a couple times and I just wanted to note that you’re referencing them backwards. I made the Dank Sinatra F2, and @torontoke made the Dank Zappa F2. I packaged and passed out both, though, so maybe there’s where the wires got crossed. :crossed_flags: The throwback male you used looks VERY much like some of the Dank Sinatra F1 males.

I haven’t grown the DZ F2, so I’m wondering whose grow you’re thinking of. :slight_smile:



thanks for correcting me on those errors, dyslexia really makes things confusing sometimes. I’ll edit the original posts for clarity.

I always try to credit people’s work appropriately, and provide clear documentation for any breeding I do with gifted seeds.

must have been thinking of another bodhi strain in your indoor setup.


No worries, man! I just don’t want the provenance to get confused. I’m glad you liked it.

As for the small pots, I think it’s a useful endeavor to stress them and see how it turns out! I’ve only grown one plant in a really small pot and that was one of bodhi’s Cheech Wizard F1 in a 1/2gal. This was it:


P.S. I’m still going to look for that schwaggy seeds Green Crack cross for you! I’m just slow and lazy.


Hey bud how have you been, finally back on overgrow after being gone almost a year. My wife and I had our rv break down in Nevada and were stuck half the year. Bee. Back since July but everything at he property was stolen. All my seeds and my mushroom growing equipment. Been a slow restart. If you got any beans you want tested let me know. I really wann get some seeds in the dirt to get my head straight, feel like I’m taking 3 step back for every one forward…

Hope you’ve had a better year than me! Lemme know if you need anything


sorry for the slow reply here.

Great to hear from you @Hellablaked. Sorry to hear about the theft. I’ve definitely got some hybrids that I’d love to see grown out. I’ll shoot you a pm and send you some stuff for the next outdoor season. Are you growing indoor too?


I’m doing indoor nfor germenating early and vegging, then selections and keeping moms/dads. Just LED s. Not flowering them indoor… I’m wanting to stat my outdoor plans now tho to get a headstart ad my property has less sun than my last one… gotta get em in earlier/veg inside a bit for a headstart!!


Ethiopian banana x omg update

This is the plant grown from seed indoor

I let it get very ripe (almost overripe) to maximize yields and see if it would get amber resin. The buds faded amber / brown but remained very healthy. It yielded very well when grown sinsemilla. The resin never got any color. In fact, it’s particularly translucent and glassy looking.

Here is a photo right before chop:

chunky colas with glassy resin:

17" by 11" baking sheet for scale

fully trimmed bud:

The bud smells great. Like a juicy nectarine, but the smell has a cool sensation almost like mint. Hints of old house / wood.

I grew 2 clones of this pheno outdoor this year, the nectarine smell is particularly intense on one of them.

The best thing about this pheno is that it’s %100 sexually stable. The other 5 ethiopian banana x omg females in the tester pack all popped a couple of bananas at the end of their flowering cycle. They were just late season sterile bananas, but unstable nonetheless.

This pheno seems to be the most similar to the old mother ghani. As you can see the structure is conventional, no creeper vines, circular leaves, giant five fingered hand buds, or any of the other fascinating and unique growth traits I found in the other phenos. The high is also less crazy. But it’s a very reliable, medicinal, delicious, and high yielding plant with an extremely pleasant high. I will definitely keep this around for a long time.

Here’s a photo of some of the hash I made from this bodhi
ethiopian banana x omg. I make old school food grade alcohol honey oil.

It smells very woody and aromatic, kind of like an attic, ripe nectarine, and a hint of meyer lemon zest.

The concentrate yielded a golden kiefy shatter, but it also separated into wax or oil.

The effects are amazing, very heady, very uplifting, pretty strong euphoria, and in high enough doses, shroomy perceptual confusion. (do not operate heavy machinery…)

The high is difficult to pin down, because the experience is constantly changing. It seems to be very sensitive to your mood, setting, how sick you are feeling (for medicinal use), and anything else in your system. The high blends very well with other strains, producing new and unique effects.


I was able to get in touch with bodhi, and was given permission to breed the ethiopian banana and ethiopian paintbrush. This is a very special line for managing the symptoms of my muscular condition, so I am very excited to work with these.

Thanks again @bodhi I really appreciate it.

Here is a photo of the ethiopian banana omg 6 seeded with my throwback male (original 80’s PNW northern lights clone x dank sinatra f2).

The yields are much lower when seeded, but the resin production and smells are fantastic.

I will follow up with some updates on the ethiopian paintbrush x omg project. (released as God’s Paintbrush)

If anyone has a sealed pack of the supernatural selections God’s Paintbrush, get in touch, maybe we can work out a trade or other beneficial arrangement. I would like to continue to expand on this project, now that I have been given permission to work the line by bodhi.

I will also be diversifying this line by working it with Doc D’s “bananastan” ethiopian banana x (afkanistan x18 pakistani).

I am excited about this one, after testing the ethiopian banana x omg I thought this mother had a ton of potential, and that the offspring may be stable if it was crossed to a more modern afghani hybrid that has been specifically bred for indoor growing. That sounds exactly like the bananastan Doc D made.


and just because it looks cool, the inner leaves of a ripe artichoke.


Is this the clone that is 1:1 thc/cbd?


Very cool! I love the way those trimmed nugs look. Kinda “outta the ordinary” for sure. Sounds like good weed, too.

I don’t have a pack of any of Bodhi’s work with the Ethiopian Banana, but I do have a pack or two of Doc’s Banana Soap (Ethiopian Banana x A5Thai). If you think those seeds might be useful, lemme know…


Not sure if he’s up for a trade or parting with it but saw gods paintbrush on @Tardis808 seed list might be worth a shot hitting him up :call_me_hand:


This is a pheno I found in bodhi’s f1 ethiopian banana x omg hybrid.

I haven’t seen any testing results for the mother ethiopian banana cut. I would be very interested if anyone has a link to testing results.

I would not be surprised if it had some cbd production, because this strain has profound effects on the body, in terms of the high and medicinal characteristics.

That sounds amazing. Possibly even a little bit scary haha. Some of the heavily sativa leaning ethiopian banana x omg phenos were about as intense as I could imagine. I even found one phenotype that looked like a haze.

I really appreciate that minitiger. I’ll let you know.
still hoping to find someone with a pack of the god’s paintbrush.

Either way, you’ve got something really special there that definitely deserves preservation.